Chapter 4

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It's been a week since Maddie has come back.

"I'm taking you to a cute café this evening. Don't miss it." I say to Maddie, as I pour her cereal. I take a bowl for myself too.

"I won't. I just have a few classes today. I'm free in the evening." She says.

"Done." I say and we eat up.

We go to different universities. She studies fashion, whereas I study international business. We started our classes a few days ago.

We finish up and rush to the bus stop. I usually don't take my car to the university because I like walking back, which is why I take the bus in the morning.

"Bye!" Maddie says and waves to me as she boards the bus. We have different routes.

I take the next bus and reach my university. I only have a few classes today, so I rush home soon.

"I'm home!" Maddie shouts as soon as she arrives.

I walk down to see her drinking water.

"We still have time. We could take a nap." I suggest, as she walks up.

"Yes, please. That's a really good idea." She says and we flop down on our beds. We're both very lazy.

My alarm jerks me up from bed and I see it's already 6 pm. I wake Maddie up too.

We get ready and walk out of the house.

"Where are we going, again?" She asks, looking at me.

"There's this cute café that I wanna show you. I don't know if you've been there. It's quite small." I say, driving to our destination.

We reach the café and sit in a corner. We give our order and sit back, waiting for it.

"So, tell me." She says, all of a sudden.

"Tell you what?" I ask, my eyebrows up.

"Did Jungkook call you again?" She asks.

"I've told you before. He calls when I'm engaged in something." I say, and give her an evil smile.

"Why do I feel like you act as if you're engaged in something in order to avoid his calls?" She says and we laugh.

Our order arrives, and the aroma is amazing.

"We should take some pictures." Maddie says, pulling me close as she proceeds to take countless selfies.

"Don't jump on me!" I say, and she playfully hits my arm.

Suddenly, a guy with a black hoodie, black pants and a black face mask covering everything but his eyes comes and knocks on our table. He takes a chair and sits at our table before we can react.

Maddie looks at me and we exchange confused looks.

"Excuse me, do we know you?" I ask the guy, breaking the silence.

He looks at me and then at Maddie and then slowly pulls off his mask just a little bit so we can see his face. Maddie gasps hard.

"What are you doing here?" I ask Jungkook, as he sits there arrogantly.

I look over at Maddie who's about to squeal and cover her mouth.

"Don't shout! Let's get out of here." I say, and drag both of them out of the café.

Once we're out, we walk to a nearby park in silence and I can see Maddie almost frozen.

We sit on a bench with me in the middle.

"So, what were you doing back there?" I ask him, wide eyed.

"I just like that café and I happened to spot you." He says and looks forward, avoiding my gaze.

I turn to Maddie and shake her a bit.

"Are you okay?" I ask her, and she lets out a small squeal. We stand up and so does Jungkook.

"This is my friend, Maddie." I say, introducing the two.

Jungkook extends a hand towards her and she fangirls too hard. She finally shakes his hand and he laughs. He removes his mask as there are not a lot of people and the darkness of the night is settling in.

Shoutout to JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now