Chapter 7

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Jungkook has been texting me through the week. Just the normal stuff. Asking me how I am or if I'm okay. He asks about Maddie as well.

Just then, it strikes me, sitting on my bed, doing my project on a Saturday afternoon. It's brilliant. Why don't I try and set Maddie up with Jungkook? That day when we met in the café, he laughed along with her a lot more and he even kept asking about her via messages. She is obviously crazy about him. What if they go on a date?

Tomorrow is Sunday and I decide tomorrow is the perfect day for their first date. I decide to text Jungkook.

'Hey. Do you have plans tomorrow?'

'Not really. Do you have something in mind?'

'Yeah. If you're up for it.'

'Sure. Tell me.'

I tell him to meet me at the bus stop near my house and that all three of us will go watch a movie or something. He agrees, and says he will see us tomorrow.

Perfect. I just have to get Maddie to be there too.

The day passes by in a flurry and it's Sunday already.

I get up, wash up and take my laptop out as planned beforehand.

"Hey. Do you have plans today?" I ask her and she looks at me, with her head tilted.

"It's just that I told Jungkook that we'd be free today and go out with him. But I have a huge project to work on, and I'm going to be needing the whole day for work." I say, with my puppy eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me we were going out?" She asks.

"I totally forgot. Sorry. Can you still go? He might be waiting." I say, laughing and celebrating inside, with a sad face outside.

"Are you sure you can't come?" She asks me, her eyes kind of pleading.

"I positively can't. The project deadline is tomorrow and I haven't even finished half the work yet." I say, pointing to my laptop.

"Okay then. It'll be so awkward though. Only me and him." She says, and sits at the edge of my bed.

"It won't be! You're a good talker and he seems to like what you say." I say and smile. He likes what you say because he likes you! I was jumping inside.

"Alright. I'll get ready." She says, and goes to her closet.

"Just be at the bus stop by 11." I say and she nods.

The day started out perfect. I do have some project work to do but it'll be done in less than a couple of hours.

"How does this look?" Maddie comes out with a red hoodie and black pants.

"I like it." I say, and give her a smile.

She goes and changes. She's very casual and dresses comfortably. No wonder she knows how style works, considering she studies fashion.

"I'll be going then." She says, and bids me goodbye.

I go and close the door behind me. I jump up and down, imagining how perfect the date would go. Maybe they're meant to be.

Shoutout to JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now