Yes Four.

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{This chapter is unedited so I am sorry about my grammar,spelling,tenses, and any other mistakes I make. This book is currently in editing.}  

Miriahs POV.

~1 month later~

It's been a month since I've gone to the hospital and I'm feeling better.
The doctor gave me contacts to wear everyday, I've gotten tons of get well soon letters,And Most of my friends and family has come to visit me.
Now today is my first day back to school. I've missed a lot of work but my teachers say that I won't have to take summer school.
I get up from my bed and stretch.
I take my shower, brush my teeth, wash my hair and pick out some clothes.
I wore a black cami, some high waisted denim shorts, and black ankle boots. I let my slightly wet hair run down my shoulders, add a little make-up and grab my book bag.
I went downstairs to see my mom with Jeremy, The police officer that took care of my mom when my father paid a "visit", preparing breakfast and dancing along to music.
"When are you two going to start dating?" I asked.
"When you and Four are official" Jeremy said.
I could feel my cheeks getting warmer.
Four has been coming to visit me everyday since I was discharged from the hospital.
During that time Cassie and I became really great friends.
"Come on honey, you guys both like each other. I don't know what's holding you two back" my mom says.
"Mom, are you serious?" I asked.
"Yeah, why not? After all he did save your life"
"I know that mom."I said in annoyance.
"Okay honey, grab a plate and let's eat together"
"Mom I think ill just grab a Nature Valley Cereal Bar"
"Are you sure?"
"Okay then"
She tossed me a Bar.
Jeremy tossed me a bottle of orange juice.
"Bye Mom, Bye Jeremy"
"Bye!" They said in Unison.
I walked down the street and enjoyed the fresh air as I stuffed the Granola Bar in my mouth followed by the orange juice.
I spotted Little Willow and smiled at my four best friends.
Wait Four?
What's he doing here?.
I walked up to him and crossed my arms.
"Come on, don't tell me your not happy to see me" Four says.
I smiled.
"There's that beautiful smile"
I chuckled.
We began walking.
"So Miriah, it's your first day back. Are you nervous?"
"No." I lied.
"You know your a very bad liar" Zachariah said.
"That's nice to know" I said fake punching him.
Mark made his way, put his arms around me, and kissed my cheeks.
I see Four clench his fist.
"Mark do you really try to annoy me every single time you do this?"
Mark laughs.
"Of course I do." Mark said. "Wait you don't think I'm into you or anything like that right?"
"Of course not"
Fours fist lightened.
"Four can you give me a piggy back ride?" I asked.
"My pleasure."
I jumped onto his back and he carried me to the front of the school.
" when are you guys going to start dating?" Marilyn asked. "I mean your obviously in love with each other."
Four sets me down.
"I don't know" he said frowning at me. "Why aren't we dating yet?"
"I don't know, maybe because you never asked?" I lifted an eyebrow up.
"Well in that case...." He smiled.
"Miriah, will you do me the honor of being my Girlfriend?"
I smiled at him.
"Yes Four, I will"
Morning/ afternoon guys! Well it's actually night for me because I'm writing this in the night and uploading this in the morning.
I hoped you liked it!
Don't forget to comment and vote!

Firiah ➳ T.J. {IN EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now