Breaking THE News

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{This chapter is unedited so I am sorry about my grammar,spelling,tenses, and any other mistakes I make. This book is currently in editing.}  

Mariah's POV

We decided that we were going to go to Zachariah's house to break the news. Right now Marilyn is a huge mess.

When we arrive and Zachariah's house. He looks surprised to see us.

"Hey! I wasn't expecting to see you guys today" Then he smiles. "But come In,come in,"

We walk into his house and sit in his living room.

"Would you like anything to drink?"

"Water would be fine." Marilyn says.

"Same with me" I say.

He nods and goes into the kitchen to kitchen. While he's getting the water Marilyn gives me a nervous glance. I put my hand on her shoulder reassuring her that everything will be okay, even though that was the exact opposite of what I was thinking.

What if he thinks she's lying? What if he refuses that he's the father? What if she gets rid of the Baby and she can never give birth again? What if she dies during the abortion process. What if--

"Here you go ladies" Zachariah says, interrupting my thought and setting. The glasses on the table including one glass of wine for himself. "So what did brings you guys here?"

I can tell he was trying to avoid eye contact with Marilyn, maybe he thinks she's pregnant too.

"Well, we've come here to talk about something serious" I glance and Marilyn. "But I think Marilyn should tell you, because she's the main reason why we're here"

He finally makes eye contact with her.

"Yes? What would you like to tell me?"

She throws a nervous glance at me again. I nod.

"Go ahead Marilyn, tell him"

She sighs.

"I don't know any other way to put this Zach, I feel terrible about this myself." Tears fill her eyes. "But I'm pregnant..... And.....and your the father."

He chocks on his wine.

"Wait-- hold on. Your pregnant?" He looks at her expecting her to say its a joke.

She slowly nods as tears prickle down her face.

"Jesus Christ" he scratches his neck and looks down.

"Zachariah, I understand if you want nothing to do with this, I don't want to hold your life back because of a mistake we made....." She looks at me. "That's why I'm going to get rid of the baby, all I need is your approval, since you know...." She trails off.

Everything is silent for a good five minutes. Then Zachariah does the strangest thing. He stands up, sits next to Marilyn and wraps his arm around her shoulder and lays her head to his chest.

"Marilyn, I don't want you to get rid of the baby, just because we made a mistake doesn't mean our baby has has to suffer because of it."

She looks up.

"O-our baby?"

"Yes, Our baby. I want you to keep the baby. Abortion isn't right Trust me We'll figure something out. I'm going to help you take care of this baby every single step of the way. I'll be there for you and the baby. Yeah I know we are not dating nor are we married but I want the baby to grow up with his or her father"

"See I told you everything will be okay" I say.

"Yeah, but how are we going to break it down to our parents?" Zachariah adds.

"Oh, that's the problem."


Hey guys!

I rewrote this chapter multiple times, mainly because wattpad wouldn't save my story. 😤

But I hope you guys enjoyed the story. Don't forget to comment and vote

Firiah ➳ T.J. {IN EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now