I'm all for body positivity, I agree that every bodies are beautiful. From skinny to big. Love your size and feel proud! 💕
But what I don't get is people who are making fun thinks that it's promoting anoxeria and obesity. Like hell no. They aren't telling folks to get big or skinny just to love themselves.
It's a movement made for people to embrace their size; they be making me want to curse them out. All on Instagram and Twitter thinking they are doctors. 🙄
They don't even know the person and what they are doing with their lives. So hush and stop coming for folks.
But yeah..body positivity is the best! I have heard about it in 2016 and decided to become apart of it.
I still have a love and hate relationship with my body. I'm going to start loving it though.What are your opinions on body positivity? Do you love your size? 😊