Okay, if you haven't know. I almost went crazy. Yesterday, I kind of lost it when I unpublish four of my books.
I brought three of them back because I know there are some people that haven't read them yet. I truly apologize. 😞
Negativity also plays a role in this. It told me to unpublish cause nobody ain't reading your work. Whatever, I got to stop thinking like that. Even if I said that too many times but I am still working on it. I just want to know if you guys appreciate my work. It's not popular but I write whatever comes to my mind. ☺
Anyways, I will be back to updating soon! I have been trying to finish the next chapter for teen queens. It is about to make me snap. Ugh, I can't figure out how to write it!! Something would come up though. I'm so glad that you all enjoy the story. If you haven't read it, it is already published. ❤
My other stories are about to update as well. Whenever I work on a new story, I forget about the ones I have written already. Lordt. Help me!! A girl can't help it, I have a lots to say! Lol.
But... just to let you know that I am not here to compete, perfect, or whatever. I'm here to write and share my work with you beautiful people.
Because I am a sweetheart, really, I don't want you all to look at me like I am better. Hell nah, I'm Deanna! Always will be Deanna lol.
Let me quit! But I hope you all have a good day, lots of love and positive vibes to ya!