now, before y'all roll eyes or say here she go complaining again about the same bullshit. I have every right and I apologize if I sound hostile.
anyways, I have to admit that I am jealous.
Not jealous as oh my god, she has such a good book, I should compete. This is jealous with sadness.You guys are coming out with amazing stories.
Amazing creations.
Oh my, how I wish to be like you.
😔I sound weird asf but this is all coming from what I feel and I want to apologize again to the ones, if you're offended.
I'm always nice and I feel terribly bad that I reveal I have jealousy.Shit is not cute at all.
Really.Again, I'm sorry, ugh, I mean – go ahead and unfollow me or curse me out if you want, I need that.