Chapter One

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A/N: The girl on the right is Nikki.

"No Brad, no! Can't you see she doesn't love you?" I sobbed while watching one of those soppy soap operas in my room. I wasn't the type to go for these types of shows, but I was waiting for twelve, when all the good shows started. I was sitting with my leg folded on my bed, which was casually messy. Bring, Bring! The sound of the phone caused me to roll my eyes.

"Hello?" I said a bit irritated as I answered the phone.

"Hey Nikki, it's Ken."

"Oh, hey Ken." I leaned back on my soft purple pillow.

"Wanna come over?"

"Sure," I said. "I've got nothing better to do."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kenton asked, or should I say yelled.

"Nothing!" I jumped back as Kenton's voice blasted through the phone, my auburn hair swaying as I did so. "I'm just saying sure, I don't have anything to do."

"That's all you had to say..."

I simply smiled and said, "OK, see you then."

Then we hung up. "Weird..." I whispered to myself.

"Who?" asked my annoying younger brother Max. He had strolled into my room with his guitar strap around his neck.

"Max, get out!" I yelled throwing a pillow at him like in one of those t.v shows.

"I always knew that friend of yours' was crazy," Max said, now stepping into my room and admiring my things. He strolled over to my desk where untouched homework and fashion magazines lay.

"Max!" I yelled, this time standing up.

"OK, OK! I'm going! You and Kenton are crazy," he snorted as he walked out of my room. I simply shut the door and rolled my eyes. I felt like hurting him, but why get myself in jail for him when in a couple of years he'll be there himself? Max is three years younger than me at thirteen and is already getting into trouble. He used to be adorable with his curly brown hair, big green eyes and a missing tooth on the top row. Now his curly hair was a mess, and his green eyes seemed dull. He had a chipped tooth from one time when our fights got out of hand. 

I opened my closet and studied the clothing, which was not much. I finally picked out a black form fitting t-shirt, black skinny jeans, a grey hat and black flats. I let my shoulder-length brown hair flow out and pile on top of my shoulders.

"Nikki!" my mother yelled.

"Yes?" I yelled, already knowing she wouldn't respond. I hated when she did this - called my name, I answer, then she waits for me to come down without responding. I rolled my eyes and tossed my pillow back on my bed.

"What do you want ma?" I asked as I made my way to the living room, grabbing an apple from the dining room table as I did so.

"Well someone sure is moody," she replied in her usual too perky tone. I replied by shooting her a glare. "Your dad called."

"Really?" I asked, My gaze was fixed upon mom in the hopes that good news would follow.

"Yes, and he has some very good news!" She responded as her hazel eyes filled with excitement. My train of thought was interrupted as mom handed me a white envelope - what could it be?

"Please join us on Saturday July twenty-fourth for the wedding of Jeff Steels and...Denise Gregory," I read. I looked up at mom with hurt in my eyes.

"Honey what's wrong?" she asked. "I thought you'd be happy for your father."

"Happy?" I sniffed. I threw the invitation down on the wooden coffee table and ran out of the house. I ran all the way until I got to Kenton's house. I rang the doorbell and after ten seconds of waiting, he opened the door.

His smile was instantly turned upside down. "Come on," he said. I followed Ken through their beautiful living room, with cream walls, detailed with lavender furniture, to a small wooden shed in the backyard. Ken's dad had built it long before for keeping his tools and stuff before he left. "So tell me what's wrong," Ken said as I rested my head on his shoulder. His shirt was definitely cotton, and smelled like a flowers.

"Dad's...getting married," I managed to get out between cries.

"Well, be happy for him. If he couldn't be happy with your mother, maybe he'll be happy with..."

"Denise," I finished. "Her name's Denise."

"OK, well be happy for them. You never know, maybe she's rich, eh?" he said nudging my arm. That's how Ken always was when I was down-he'd cheer me up by cracking jokes. Either that, or tell me not to feel sorry for myself. It's crazy that Ken's been strong for me all the time, given his life. He's been getting bullied ever since we were kids and now we're sixteen. They basically took everything he did wrong and shoved it back in his face.

"What about you?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what's up with you? How are things going with you and your mom?"

"Good, I guess. I don't get beat daily anymore because she got off her lazy butt and got a real job," he replied. For the longest time, Kenton's mother had been receiving checks from her family members and selling some of Kenton's things. Kenton once told me that the worst thing she ever did was take the painting I made him and sold it in a garage sale while he was at school. I asked him what about the beatings and he said selling the painting was worse.

"Where's she working?" I asked.

"She's a mall cop," he replied, placing a hand on top of his short brown hair. "Can we stop talking about that wicked woman now?" Kenton snapped.

I quickly lifted my head from his shoulder. "OK, Ken! I was just-"

"You were just trying to give me stupid pity just like everyone else!" he yelled as he glared at me.

"Kenton, I-"

"Whatever Nick," Ken sighed as he buried his face in his knees.

"Hey," I said as I edged closer to him. "It's OK...Kenton, I think you need to see a doctor or something."

"What for?," he asked.

"I think you could be bipolar," I tried to say it in the most non-rude way possible. He sighed and looked at me.

"Nikki, there's something I haven't told you," he said.

"What is it?"

A/N: You've reached the end so I guess u read chapter 1-Thanks 4 reading and PLEASE COMMENT.

- Love for ever and always,

Kaycee <3

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