Chapter Seven

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A/N: hey hey! So! This chappie is longer than previous ones(I think) but it actually could have been longer. When I'm not able to be on the computer sometimes I start writing the next chapter on my phone notepad, but I just realized it would be super long if I included all that, so I'll use the rest 4 the next chapter. Anyway, thank u so much for reading, commenting, and or fanning! :)

"Wh - What?" I stuttered.

"Trying to kill her?" dad said walking closer to the doctor.

"I know it sounds crazy, but it's possible. Given what you've told me, it's actually most likely."

"I don't understand,"Ken said, sitting up.

"Kenton, how do you feel?" the doctor asked.


"You don't remember anything that happened?"

"I remember talking to Nikki...Then everything was a blur."

"Ken, we're going to have to do some tests on you, first thing in the morning."

"Sorry I'm late," Ken's mother said as she entered the room. "What's going on?"

"Well, Kenton may have a split personality disorder," the Dr. informed her. Ken's mother shook her head and looked up, muttering something under her breath.

"Come on," she said as she neared the exit. She stormed out and waited for Ken.

"Wow," Ken said as he stood before me, scratching his head.

"This is impossible," I started. "There's no way you'd do this." I wanted to believe that this was a joke, I really did, but then why did Ken try to hurt me all those times? I tried to just shake the thought out of my head. Tomorrow after Ken did those tests, we'd see that there's nothing wrong with him.

Ken took a step closer to me. "You know I wouldn't hurt you right?" he said, staring deep into my brown eyes. 


"Good." With that, he walked off to catch up with his mom. I couldn't believe this was happening-ken?a split personality disorder? My head was spinning with questions, dying to know the answers.  

"Ready to go?" Mom asked, breaking my train of thought. 

"Huh? Oh yeah." I had so much to think about. Why cant my life be simple and amazing? When i got home, i decided sleep would be the best thing for me. 

I woke up the next morning with thoughts swimming around in my head. Could Ken really have a split personality disorder? And what's this going on between jay and I? I need to go talk to Jay - its the only way to at least partially clear my head.  

After showering and getting dressed, i headed downstairs for breakfast. Max was in the living room playing guitar. 

"Max can you keep it down?" I yelled. Max ignored me and kept playing. I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen. To my surprise, mom and dad were sitting at the table together, quietly debating something.  

"Oh Nikki, you're up," mom said, acknowledging my presence. 

"Yeah," I said in a confused voice as I opened the fridge. 

"Nikki we need to talk to you," dad said.

"OK?" I closed the fridge and sat down. "What's this about?"

"Nikki, you're mother and I love you, and we want you to be happy but..." You're mother and I love you. They sounded like a married couple, though I had lost hope in them ever getting back together when I found out dad was re - marrying.

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