Chapter Ten

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 Ding Dong! I was upstairs finishing getting dressed when I heard the doorbell ring. It was 1:00 so I figured Ken had arrived early.

"Max can you let Ken in!" I called.

"Whatever!" Max yelled back. I rolled my eyes and put on mascara.

"Uh, hey Nikki...Can I talk to you?" I turned around and there was Denise.

"Denise...Hi. Sure, come on in," I said, motioning for her to come in. After about seven seconds, I heard the springs in my bed. "What's up Denise?" I asked, strolling towards her.

"Well...I just wanted to clear things up between us. I'm sorry that you didn't know I even existed, and that I just -"

"Denise! It's OK! And I'm sorry if there were any hurt feelings." I saved her the trouble of speaking anymore. Denise smiled and gave me a hug.

"Hey Nick you ready?" Ken asked as he strolled into my room. "Oh, I'm sorry."

"No no! I was just leaving," Denise said as she struggled but finally got up. "If you don't mind me asking..." she started.

"I'm Kenton - Nikki's boyfriend."

"Oh." Denise turned back to me and mouthed, "Score!" I giggled as she left my room.

"What'd she say?" Ken asked, trying to intimidate me by standing over me while I sat on the bed.

"Nuffin!" I replied.

"Ha ha, you're not getting off that easily," Ken said. Then he started tickling me.

"Ha ha, stop it!"


   I finally rolled off the bed but fell on the floor.

"Nikki!" Ken yelled. He ran over and picked me up bridal style.

I was about to tell him I was OK and to put me down when Jay slowly walked into the room. It felt like everything got silent for a while.

"Hey man," Ken said as he placed me down, finally breaking the silence.

"Hey Ken...Hey Nikki," he replied.

"Whatcha doing here Jay?" I asked, trying not to sound rude.

"Ken, you forgot your wallet." Jay took the black wallet out of his pocket and handed it to Ken.

"Oh, thanks!" Ken said as he placed the wallet in his pocket.

"Ha ha, yeah, play it off!" I joked.

"No I really did forget my wallet!" Ken defended.

"Yeah, I believe you," I said sarcastically.

"Good," Ken said before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Well I gotta go, you know, Hayden's waiting for me," Jay said.

"OK, see you later," Ken called as Jay exited my room. "Come on," he said, taking my hand.

"Wait!" I said before we reached the door.


"Dad!" I called. "Dad where are you?"

"Right here." Dad walked into the livingroom while eating an apple. "What's up pumpkin?"

"I just wanted to introduce you to Ken..."

"I already know Kenton."

"No, not as my best friend. I meant Ken, my boyfriend." 

         Dad stayed silent for a while, eying Ken. 

"You treat her well," he said sternly.

"Of course!" Ken replied. "I mean, we are getting married in Vegas tomorrow!" Ken joked. Unfortunately, my father didn't find it so funny. "Just kidding sir..."

Dad narrowed his eyes at Ken but walked back to the kitchen.

"Gee, that went well!" Ken laughed as we walked down the outside stairs.

"Ha ha, sure! Ugh, to the bus!"

"Not exactly," Ken said with a weird tone. "I finally got my driver's license!"

"You did? Awesome!" I squealed as I hugged Ken. "Got a ride?"

"Right there," Ken said, pointing to the car in front of my house. The car was  blue with white lines on the side, and the seats were black and leather.

"Woah, this is so cool!" I said as I got in the passenger seat.

 "Thanks love."

"Ha ha, is your British accent coming back?" Ken had a little bit of a British accent when I first met him, but that had died out just a couple years later.

"You remember that?" he asked as he started the car.

"Of course...I remember everything about our friendship."

        Ken half smiled as he started driving. Should I really doing this? I mean, using my best friend to get my revenge, and to make some one jealous? Probably not, but Jay had this coming, and Ken was so understanding that it wouldn't matter.

"And here we are!" 

 I looked up and studied our surroundings. I smiled as I realized we were at  the park.

"The park?"

"Yeah," Ken replied, picking up the basket he had in the back seat. "We're having a picnic!"

"Yay food!" I squealed as I got out the car. Ken shook his head and joined me at the bench.

"You know, normal people picnic on the floor," he said.

"Kenny, I think we both know I'm not normal!"

"Eh, you're right!" Ken joked.

"Whatever! Mmh, what'd you make?" I asked as I rubbed my hands together.

"Uh, brownies, cookies, sandwiches," Ken started as he removed things from the basket.

"Woah woah woah. You made all this?"


"I think this is gonna work out nicely!" I laughed as I took one of the sandwiches. "Hey look!" I said as a man leading a horse carriage past by. "I've always wanted to ride one of those..."

"Then let's go."

"No it's fine."

"No, if you want it you can get it, let's go." Ken took my hand as we ran to catch up with the man. Ken payed for the ride and we hopped in.

"Hope you don't mind sharing with two other folks!" the man called.

"No, not at all!" Ken replied.

  That's when I realize two elderly people sat across from us.

"Awh, look Tom!" the lady said. "He looks just like you did when you were in college," she continued, directing her comment to Ken.

  I giggled as Ken's eyes widened at the man.

"Your right Annie, and I had a full head ah' hair!" the man said, patting Ken's head.

   I busted out in laughter as Ken felt his hair for himself.

"So are you two a couple?" Annie asked.

"Yup," I responded, taking Ken's hand.

"How long have you been together?" she questioned again.

"A day," I responded.

"Oh. Tom and I have been together for forty years!"

"That's nice," I smiled.

  "I think it'll be the same for Nikki and I," Ken said, causing a lump in my stomach to appear.

"Y - yup," I choked.

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