Chapter Six

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    I stayed quiet as I pulled away. Truth be told, I was speechless.

"I ... I'm sorry," Jay apologized as he stood up.

"It's fine," I quietly replied quietly as I myself stood up.

"I'd better get you home," Jay said as he placed his I-Pod back in his pocket.

"Oh yeah." I silently followed Jay to his car and sat in the passenger seat. We arrived at my house a  minute too early.

"Uh...Thanks," I said as the car stopped. I gave Jay a hug and got out of the car. I walked up the steps and into the house."

      Max stood there in front of the window, with his arms folded over his chest.

"What?" I asked in annoyance.

"Nothing..Oh noting," he said in sarcasm. I rolled my eyes and started towards the stairs.

"Freak," I murmured under my breath. I walked passed my mother's room. She was sprawled out on her bed, snoring. Her brown hair looked like it had been in a tornado. I closed the door back, and walked to my room. Closing the door behind me, I stood on top of my bed and brought my diary down from the shelf. I hadn't written in that thing for months! The very few times that I had, it had been to write down things that I didn't want to tell Ken about.

   Dear Diary,

             I'm so confused! So at first, Jay, Kenton's cousin comes along and I think he's so....repulsive, annoying and a total goofball. Now I'm thinking it's all those things that make me like him. Lately Ken's been acting weird... I honestly don't know what it is but he IS bipolar...maybe that's it.

  Dad came to visit! (finally) but he brought someone along - His fiance', and she's pregnant. :( The worst part is it feels like she's more important than I am these days. It's like I don't even exist to him!

 Anyway, back to the Jay thing. I'm thinking of asking him out but I'm not sure... I mean he's leaving in a couple of weeks, so what's the point?


                                                                                               Nicole <3

              I closed my diary and placed it under my pillow. Sitting there thinking about the night, I smiled to myself. Suddenly, I heard a knock on my window. I looked back - nothing. Another tap later and I got up to check.

 "Ken?" I said when I saw him standing there holding pebbles.

"Nikki can I come up?" he whisper yelled.

"Sure." It's not like Ken wasn't allowed in m house or anything, but sometimes when we didn't feel like talking to each other's parents, we'd either go to our windows, or the shed. It took Ken only a full minute to climb the tree. I helped him into my room, landing on my back.

"Ah!" I shrieked as I pulled Kenton in. I couldn't hold his body wight causing me to fall down on my back, Ken on top of me.

We laughed hysterically as we lay there.

"Get off of me you hippo!" I joked.

"Never!" Ken yelled as he pinned me down.

        I groaned as I tried to wriggle free from his grasp. A small smirk appeared on my face and I swear you could see a light bulb over my head. I pulled my arms out and started tickling him.

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