A Message From Me

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I believe everyone should feel comfortable in their own body and skin. A "glo-up" doesn't mean you've lost a bunch of weight and got down to a size 0 or you started/stopped wearing makeup, it means that you have achieved a level of self-confidence by taking care of your body and skin! 

I had acne all across my chest and back but once I started to workout more, eat right and gave my skin the nourishment it needed, I managed to tame it. Now I know this isn't the same for everyone and you may still have problems with your skin after all this but, in 20 or 30 years time your body and skin will thank you. Remember, it may take months or even years to get your skin sorted out and to figure out what's best for you. The key is to not get frustrated and give up, you'll get there one day.

This isn't meant to transform you into a whole new person, my hope is by the end of this you will feel more confident and have more self-love because of what you have done/are doing for yourself. 

I LOVE self-care. From dry brushing and exfoliating, making lotions, sugar scrubs and oil cleansing to eating a nutritious breakfast, working out and meditating. Hopefully, you will too.

To really get the full benefits of this book, you need to start by knowing a bit about yourself. Do you have dry, oily, or combination skin? Do you have sensitive skin? What products work with and what don't? To your knowledge, are you allergic to anything? Are you going to go out and spend money on the products or are you going to try to make almost everything? How much time do you have to DIY? 

Once you can answer these few questions you are ready to go. Get ready to shine from the inside out!

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Picture from https://kurera.se/julia-eriksson/2017/10/30/mina-7-nya-tips-for-en-halsosam-livsstil/

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