Remedies for Illnesses

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At one time or another, we've all been sick and it sucks. Here are a few remedies that I have been taught by either my mother, friends, or the internet on how to deal with some common illness symptoms. 

Note: These things are not a substitute for going to the doctors - if your cold persists for longer then two weeks book yourself an appointment! 

Sore Throat:

- Gargle Salt Water ~ gargling salt water several times a day helps reduce swelling in the throat and loosens any mucus, this helps to flush out the bacteria

- Drink More Fuilds ~ drink plenty of cool or warm fluids, as you need to keep hydrated. Water, ice cubes, watered-down fruit juice or broth will all work! Note: AVOID MILK AT ALL COSTS (it will only produce more mucus!)

- Drink Tea ~ in canon to the previous point, also drink tea, specifically this recipe: water + 2 tbsp honey (its an antioxidant) + 1/2 a lemon 

- Lemon Honey Shots ~ I personally get these by 'Beary Berry Honey Inc.' and they are great for a quick relief

- Peppermint ~ place a few drops in boiling water then inhaling it - if you have a humidifier or diffuser of sorts also place a few drops in there 

- Broth ~ no creamy soups, broth only

- Fishermen's Friends ~ or something similar to FF, they soothe the throat and coughing

- Don't talk unless you absolutely have to, it will only strain your poor throat

Stuffed Nose:

- Use a Humidifier ~ breathing in moist air can soothe irritated tissues and swollen blood vessels in your nose and sinuses 

- Take a Hot Shower ~ the steam from the shower helps to thin out the mucus in your nose and reduce inflammation 

- Stay Hydrated ~ with tea, water, juices, and broth

- Use a Saline Nasal Spray ~ the spray helps to thin the mucus in your nasal passages 

- Use a Vaporub ~ rub it on your throat or chest before you go to sleep, it's close enough to your nose that you should be able to breathe it in consistently as you sleep, but not so close that it will irritate your eyes 

- Rest in an Upright Position ~ if you find that your congestion gets worse when you lie down, try to elevate your head a little bit. Put an extra pillow beneath your head or try to sleep in a recliner 

- Use Nasal Adhesive Strips ~ (may be marketed as anti-snoring strips) the strips go over the bridge of your nose and are meant to manually open your nostrils just enough to help you breathe easier

- Eat Spicy Food ~ drink plenty of water while doing so and you should find that your nose is running by the end of the meal. Blow your nose once you're done eating

Upset Stomach:

- Drink Water ~ your body needs water to digest and absorb nutrients from foods and beverages efficiently - if you feel like drinking water is too much try sucking on ice cubes

- Avoid Lying Down ~ When the body is horizontal, the acid in the stomach is more likely to travel backward and move upward, which can cause heartburn, use a pillow or a recliner

- Ginger-ale ~ or anything ginger related (like ginger chews or ginger tea) is a common natural remedy for an upset stomach and ingestion

- Mint ~ can help with preventing vomiting, reduce muscle spasms in the intestines and relieving pain

- Take a Warm Bath or Using a Heating Bag ~ heat may relax tense muscles and ease indigestion

- BRAT Diet ~ BRAT stands for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast. These foods are all starchy, so they can help bind foods together to make stools firmer

- Avoid Smoking and Drinking Alcohol ~ smoking can irritate the throat, increasing the likelihood of an upset stomach. As a toxin, alcohol is difficult to digest and can cause damage to the liver and stomach lining

- Avoid Difficult-To-Digest Foods ~ avoid fried or fatty, rich or creamy, salty or heavily preserved foods

- Lime or Lemon + Baking Soda + Water ~ some studies suggest that mixing 1 tbsp lime or lemon juice + 8 oz of water + 1 tsp baking soda can help to relieve a variety or digestive complains (I have not tried this!)

- Cinnamon ~ contains several antioxidants may help ease digestion and reduce the risk of irritation and damage in the digestive tract.


- Drink Water ~ chronic dehydration is a common cause of tension headaches and migraines

- Take Some Magnesium ~ magnesium is an important mineral necessary for countless functions in the body, including blood sugar control and nerve transmission. It has also been shown to be a safe, effective remedy for headaches

- Limit Alcohol ~ alcohol has also been shown to cause tension and cluster headaches in many people

- Sleep ~ try to sleep for six to eight hours to help reduce a headache

- Avoid Foods High in Histamine ~ found in certain foods like aged cheese, fermented food, beer, wine, smoked fish and cured meet - studies have suggested consuming histamine may cause migraines in those who are sensitive to it

- Peppermint ~ apply a peppermint essential oil to the temples to reduce the symptoms of tension headaches. Lavender oil is also highly effective at reducing migraine pain when applied to the upper lip and inhaled 

- Cold Compress ~ apply a cold compress/gel pack/cold cloth your forehead or neck to help decrease inflammation and constricted blood vessels

- Avoid Strong Smells ~ odors like those from perfumes and cleaning product can cause certain individuals to develop headaches as well as enhance pain of the ones they already have

If there are any other common illnesses you can think of that you would like me to add, message me! 

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