Meeting the client

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"... Aina Etsuko (pic above just older and with a bigger bust) the daughter of the wave country daimyo" the entire team looked at her she bowed slightly before standing straight.

"hello its nice to meet you" she said in a soft voice. In return the team gave there own greeting satsuko gave a classic "hnn" whereas Natsuki waved with a joyful "hi"

both naruto and anko gave a two fingered salute "so what's the mission" anko asked to no-one in particular her anwser came in the form of the third hokage

"well you will be escorting young Aina here back to wave there should only be the threat of bandits as wave country is financially lacking at the moment so no shinobi should be interested..." he said in his grandfatherly tone a small smile gracing his lips

"... i trust your team can handle that anko" he finished looking over at team naruto hare- i mean team 11 he was met with nods "Good I'll let you go discuss departure times with the client farewell for now" the hokage dismissed them.
5 mins later-small caffe
They had decided to get something to eat while discussing the up and coming mission. Currently they were sat in a small booth anko, natsuki and satsuko sat on ome side with naruto and Aina in the other.

"So when do wanna set of princess" Anko started the conversation with the Aina.

She hummed i thought before replying "we set off tomorrow and around 10am my carriage will be waiting at the gate to the village".

Anko nodded in agreement "alright since you have a carriage we'll have three people guarding the outside while one is inside with you" Anko told her how the positions before asking

"do you want any specific person inside the carriage with you preferably one of the genin gakis" Aina looked at all three newly minted genin stating at natsuki and ending with her gaze upon our protagonist

"i would like him please he looks strong and handsome to" she replied although muttering the last part.

Anko nodded in approval before stating they where all free to go and to show up at the gate for 9:30am at the latest before getting up and leaving the other girls of the team following on.

As naruto got up to leave he felt a small tug on his jacket. Turning he saw Aina standing behind him a small blush on her face "yes, how can i help you" he asked his voice bared of emotion.

She fidgeted slightly before gathering her confidence "i was wandering if you knew a good place to visit for my final day here" she asked stuttering a bit. Naruto raised his eyebrow before contemplation

'while I don't see why not she has never done anything to me' he gave a small eye smile before replying "sure follow me" this time thou he had a small amount of emotion in his voice not finding any reason to be hostile towards her. Aina nodded and they set off
5 hours later-outside ichiraku ramen
Time is 4:00pm
After visiting all kinds of places Naruto decided to take her to his favourite ramen stand.

As they approached the small ramen stand Aina was suddenly pulled away turning Naruto looked at the culprit "dog breath what do you think your doing?" He asked his voice once again void of emotion.

As in front of him 'dog breath' or Kiba Inuzuka had taken ahold of his client. Kiba looked at Naruto with a smirk before turning his attention to the girl struggling in his arms

"so what's a pretty girl like you doing hanging out with the dead last" he spoke trying to sound suave but ultimately failing

"let her go dog breath Aina is clearly uncomfortable" naruto said his anger raising although not enough to show either in his voice or his facial expression.

"Shut it dead last she needs to be with a real alpha like me" he replied baring his teeth like a dog "why don't we ask Aina for her opinion. Aina if you would" naruto said before turning his attention to the young women still struggling in kiba's arms

"i would like to go with Naruto let go" she replied although kiba didn't let go. At this point Naruto had enough so with chunin speed appeared behind kiba and chopped his neck knocking him out.

With a small smile he held his hand out to Aina who took it and like that they continued on there way. Naruto and Aina spend most of the day learning about each others likes and dislikes while walking around eventually after there ramen they had to go there separate ways Aina in an act of bravery on her part gave Naruto a kiss.

It was on the cheek but it counts. After that she ran back to her hotel to get some sleep for the next day. Naruto heading to his apartment to do the same. All in all he they both enjoyed there day.
Here's another chapter of my shitty story honestly I'm surprised one person decided to read this but thank you so much for reading till next time BYE BYE

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