Chunin exams finale- part two

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As Naruto made it to the contestants box he heard Genma announce the next fight.

"Satsuko Uchiha vs Shino Aburame. Can both please make there way down to the arena."

He walked to his teammate who was preparing to go down and wished her good luck. He knew this fight should be easy for her, no offence to Shino, his bugs would be no match for her flames. He would need a miracle to win against a fire user.

When both genin were stood across from each other Genma asked both if they were ready. When both confirmed that they were ready he started the fight.


As soon as the word left his mouth Shino sent a horde of bugs at Satsuko hoping to catch her of guard before she could launch a justu unluckily for him she jumped over the horde and launched the classic

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique" as the fireball approached Shino Satsuko thought it was her win. Most of his bugs were behind her so they couldn't shield him.

"Earth Release: Rock Shield" Shino calmly said as a decent sized wall of earth shielded him from the fire ball.

When Satsuko's attack ended she was surprised to see Shino's earth wall. Upon seeing the wall she completely forgot about the bugs which Shino quickly commanded to attack her.

They latched to her back and surrounded her. She ended up cocooned in a mass of bugs that were eating away at her chakra by the second.

Satsuko struggled to escape but she couldn't every clump of bugs she got off of her more came and replaced them.

She decided she had to use the new technique she had learned and hoped it didn't fail. She struggled but managed to preform the hand signs and gathered her chakra.

"Fire Release: Fire skin technique" she said activating the justu before the bugs could eat the chakra she had gathered.

Her whole body light up in flames instantly torching the bugs which had direct contact with her. The rest of the bugs flew away though not without there fair share of burn marks.

As soon as she was free Satsuko rushed at Shino wanting to end the fight fast. The bugs had managed to eat a large amount of her chakra.

To add to that the justu she was using wasn't exactly chakra friendly. Producing the flames weren't difficult or chakra taxing but making them keep shape and not burn her was.

Satsuko reeled her fist back and struck Shino in the face but her arm just sunk in and it was revealed it was a bug clone. The flames on her first went out as the bugs, that didn't die from the punch, sucked the chakra from them.

Satsuko quickly jumped back relighting her fist. She looked around and saw 10 Shino's. She was in dilemma she could keep punching until she found the real one.

But Shino could keep making more clones she would run out of chakra before he did.

She could also drop the justu and use a wider ranged fire justu to find the real one but she was surrounded and she had no 360 degree justu so she would be jumped from behind.

Spots on her body were open to attack as the flames in there area died out the longer she though the more exposed she became.

Shino exploited the exposed areas as his bugs attacked sending Satsuko flying around the arena multiple times.

Satsuko was worried she couldn't lose now. How would she kill her brother if she was this weak. Never mind her brother there was tones of ninja she wouldn't be able to beat.

What would Naruto think. She didn't think he would date a weak girl.

Her vision went blurry.

"NO!" flames expelled from her body burning any bugs near her. She stood up her vision no longer blurry in fact it was clearer then before.

The world seemingly moved slower. She smirked it was clear to her now she had unlocked her clans lineage. There birth right. The sharingan.

She looked around her at the clones she could she outlines of there chakra. She lit her fists up she didn't need full protection.

She knew which one to hit.

She sped at one of the many Shino's fist reeled back zigzagging making it unclear which she was going for.

Then her fist connected and a burn mark spread across Shino's face as he went flying back knocked out. Satsuko stood tall.

The bugs all went back to Shino leaving the only Shino left to be the real on that was knocked out.

"The winner by knockout Satsuko Uchiha" Satsuko made her way back to the contestants box half way up the stairs she was met by Naruto who supported her.

She didn't need it sure she had lost a lot of chakra and had some minor injuries but she could walk completely fine.

She didn't however deny the help.

"well done you disserved that win. You deactivate your sharingan no need to waste more chakra" Naruto advised her.

Satsuko listened to him and deactivated it she had forgot she had it activated. They reached the contestants box and sat down.

"Get some rest you will need to recharge your chakra for the next match" Satsuko leaned her head on to Naruto's shoulder and went sleep.

Naruto smiled under his mask. As Shikamaru and Temari made there way down for there match Naruto was having a mental debate.

'I wonder whose cuter Natsuki or Satsuko'

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Thanks for reading hope you all have a good day/night see ya next chapter BYE BYE
Ps. I don't own Naruto

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