8 years later in we find naruto standing on the hokage monument now standing at 5'4 gone was his malnourished frame in its place was a rock hard 6 pack covered by a black skin tight sleeveless t-shirt with a long neck that lead to a mask covering everything under his eyes it had seals that when activated showed an image of a mouth filled with bloody teeth and a long green tongue.
His hair only seemed to glow more the same going for his once again blue eyes. Although his hair was more spiked and reached his neck with two bangs framing his face reaching his chin although one was tipped red.
His lower half was covered by Anbu pants taped at the shins and had red straps going around each leg with all black combat boots covering his feet.
The only change of colour was the two kunai holsters strapped to each thy. He had on a cloak like the fourths only black and sleeveless with with red flames licking the bottom that reached mid shin on the back was the kanji for 9 of course standing for kyubi or to him kyuu-chan we'll get to that later.
On his arms were opera length black globes with the same red straps as his pants and on the bicep area was the uzumaki swirl. Across his lower back was a black thin rectangular shape that had a picture of kyubi at eaither end with 8 tails that split into 4 and rapped around the shape until reaching the middle creating a circle with the tails from the other end the last tail went straight down through the others until stopping at the circle. In this circle was a picture of narutos rinne-sharingan with red wings behind it.
This was narutos katana or both of them the handles at each end leading to one blood red blade with the kanji of hell carved into it and one pure white blade with the kanji for heaven carved into it both kanjis were painter over in black. He looked over konohagakure with malice evident in his eyes.
Naruto spent the last eight years training with his kekkai genkai and in all of the shinobi arts especially fuinjustu. He was so good that he became a seal master at the age of 5 that's right one year. His photographic memory helped as well as his natural talent which came in bucketfuls.
He was high jonin low kage level at genjustu. High kage at tai,nin,bo,ken and kin justu plus with his bloodline he was probly as strong as all the current kage put together not that anyone in the hidden leaf knew that as one of the first jutsu learned was the shadow clone justu which increased his training ten fold.
But he also sent one to the village to act stupid as to keep away suspicion he added enough chakra for it too survive 9 years the extra year was to accommodate for the beatings although they slowly stopped as his 'hokage-jiji' as the clone so affectionately calls him put him in the academy.
He looked down at the head of the fourth hokage he loved this place on the hokage monument it just seemed to calm his nerves.
He was currently having an eternal conversation with the kyuubi. ' so kyu-chan what shall we do today' he whined he was bored now this doesnt happen alot but when it does you can almost guarantee someone will get pranked and pranked hard at that "today is the last day of the academy i thought you were going to attend" was her response 'erh why did you have to remember i thought you would have forgot anywho lets see what that shadow clone has been up to' and with that he had the clone dispel giving him its memory's and giving him the konoha headband which he simply tied around his neck.
And putting it simply his clone was basically the opposite of him were he was strong,independent and smart the clone was weak, stupid and loved attention. It even wore bright neon orange i mean come on orange.
After going through the clones life he found he had five minutes to get to the academy, show off his true self and find out his genin cell. With this in mind he disappeared only to reappear a second later now in front of the academy.
After looking around as this was the his first time seeing it in person (well not counting his retarded clone) he made his way to the class room. Slowly sliding open the door he saw iruka about to start.
As everyone began to look at him he slowly made his way to his seat next to sasuke uchiha the rookie (read: brooder) of the year and the most popular boy in the class with his own legion of loyal fangirls.
Half way up the stairs he was stopped by one kiba inuzuka when he shouted out "oi who are you, you need to have graduated to be here" naruto silently raised an eyebrow before responding " naruto, remeber me mutt" growling at the insult kiba looked ready to attack but then he came to a realisation and a cocky smirk came onto his face " take off the henge dead last and like i said you need to have graduated and i remember you failing" Naruto's eyebrow started twitching before he took a deep breath and replied "are you blind as well as stupid mutt as you can see i have a headband meaning i passed and this isn't a henge mutt you can try to dispel it if you want" he indicated to his headband to emphasise his point.
Not waiting for any response he continued to his seat before sitting down then slowly looking around the classroom sizing everyone in the class and them staring back at him with wonderment in their eyes.
As he looked around he recognised many of the others from his clones memories such as sasuko (basically a female version of sasuke but this is his sister), sakura,kiba,hinata,shino,ino, shikamaru and choji and many non important characters that no one cares about.
Though his eyes lingered on hinata, sasuko and another girl he didn't recognise. Finally snapping out of his daze iruka continued with his boring speach which lasted five more minutes before he then decided to announce the teams "team one to team six aren't important so on to team seven sasuke uchiha, sakura haruno (que fangirl squeal) and kiba inuzuka lead by kakashi hatake. Team eight shino aburame, hinata hyuuga and nathen inuzuka (oc but not imporatant) lead by kurenai yuuhi.
Team nine still in commission team ten ino yamanaki, choji akamichi amd nara shikamaru (que two groans and munching sounds) lead by asuma sarutobi. And finally team eleven naruto uzumaki, sasuko uchiha and natsuki aramada (oc) lead by gulp anko mitarashi. Have good lives and farewell. With that said iruka left the room.
What do you think im always open for constructive criticism and i didn't describe any one as the look like they do in canon and sasuko and natsuki will be described during the next chapter for now ja ne

Blood stained wings- Naruto fanfic
Fiksi PenggemarHe was hated for something he couldn't control. They beat and scorned him. And now he hates them. He is thankful however because they forced him to be strong now they'll regret their decision, as they have to face something worse then the demon they...