Chunin Exams part 2- The Forest

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Ibiki had explained the entirety of the test to the remaining genin and was about to tell them how to get too the second part of the exam but before he could a window was smash sending glass everywhere. What looked like a blue entered through the window at high speeds. 4 kunai were sent flying 2 in the ceiling and 2 in the ground. All the kunai were attached to a corner of a banner.

When the blur stopped and the examinees had to no longer dodge glass they were all able to see Anko stood in front of the class behind her a banner reading: the second proctor Anko Mitarashi.

"I'm the second proctor Anko Mitarashi are you gaki's ready for the second exam" she shouted raising her arm. Silence filled the room and the three genin of team 11 gave a sigh.

"You're early again Anko" Ibiki told her coming out from behind causing her to sweat drop putting her arm down. Anko took a look around the room before turning back to Ibiki.

"There's more than usual. You must be loosing your touch Ibiki" she teased.

"Or maybe it could be a stronger crop of candidates this year" he countered.

"Anyway since you all passed be ready for the second exam tomorrow your sensei will tell you the time and the place. Now get gone" She told them. The examinees started leaving until eventually the only ones remaining in the room were Anko, Ibiki and team 11.

"Why did you never tell us you were a proctor Anko-sensei" Natsuki asked.

"I wanted it to be a surprise besides most other ninja are too scared to step foot in the forest. I can almost guarantee half the genin you saw pass wont make it" Anko answered not surprising the three genin.

Naruto found a lot of the competition to be quite weak and Satsuko and Natsuki still remember when they first entered the forest. If it wasn't for Naruto they most likely wouldn't have made it out alive

"Anyway you three should go and prepare for the next exam. Be at the forest at 9am sharp. Got it?"

Three nodded and left. Anko too was about to leave but Ibiki placed a hand on her shoulder,

"You've got some strong genin especially that Naruto kid I could sense how strong he was and it felt like he was holding back some of his power it wold be interesting to see him in a fight. You've done a good job" Ibiki praised.

"To be honest it only felt like I was training 2 of them. Naruto is way above his peers and he hasn't even gone all out yet" Anko confessed. Ibiki gave her a nod and left. Anko thought about her blond student and a light blush came to her face she smiled and began her trip home.

Timeskip next day 9am forest of death

All remaining genin were stood in front of the fence that shields the forest of death from entry. Anko was in front of them getting ready to explain the second part of the exam to them.

"Alright gaki's this is training ground 44 also know as the forest of death. This is were the second exam takes place. The objective of the exam is to make it to the tower in the centre of the forest. Additionally each team will be given either a heaven scroll or an earth scroll to pass you will need both scrolls. You have 5 days if you don't make it in time then you will be disqualified..." before she could continue she was interrupted.

"Five days! What about food?" Choji shouted clearly upset about the lack of food.

"the forest has plenty of plants and animals to eat but be carful because they'll be likely to try and eat you. Now no more interruptions or else." she threatened taking out a kunai and licking it whole glaring ominously at the genin.

seeing as there were no more interruptions she carried on.

"you are also disqualified if your entire team doesn't make it. Now head over there to sign a liability waver making Konoha not responsible for any injuries or deaths when the waver is signed you will be given your scroll and assigned a gate when that gate opens the exam starts." she explained many people shivered at the thought of death.

It wasn't too long before all genin were at their assigned gate and not long after that were they let loose into the forest.

Team 11 ran for awhile before stooping deciding to make a plan they had a heaven scroll so they needed an earth one. They decided Naruto will lead with Satsuki behind him then Natsuki and then finally a Naruto clone. Four more clones would scouting around them for other teams.

Before they set off again however Satsuko with a blush on her face admitted she had to use the bathroom much to her own embarrassment.

She went behind some bushes and trees quite far from the team. Two minuets later she came back. Naruto could clearly tell this was an imposter so he decided to expose them.

"Hey Satsuko?" he addressed the imposter.

"Yes" they responded.

"Can I have a good luck kiss before we set of again we are dating after all" he lied.

"Of course" the imposter approached Naruto and when they were close enough he struck. Quickly, unsheathing his swords he slashed at them cutting of both legs.

The imposter fell to the ground and Naruto stabbed his swords into their arms completely immobilising them. Smoke surrounded the imposter before it dissipated revealing an Amegakure shinobi.

The Ame nin writhed in pain worsening both his injuries and his pain. Before he died of blood loss Naruto used a small fire justu to cauterize the stumps were his legs used to be. He then checked to see if he had a scroll unfortunately for the Ame nin he didn't so Naruto felt a little bit of interrogation was in order.

"Tell me were your team is or do I have to punish you a little more" Naruto threatened.

"I would never rat out my team" the captive shinobi vowed.

"Oh really..." Naruto grabbed one of his swords and with it still in the arm of his enemy slowly twisted it. He even sent some fire nature chakra intro his sword heating it up cauterizing the wound and causing unbearable amounts of pain for the captive.

Natsuki was stunned and slightly afraid having never seen Naruto this vicious even on the wave mission he killed yes but it was always quick.

Before she could continue to dwell on the sight in front her the Ame nin confessed the location of his teammates as well as what scroll they had. They had an earth scroll which was convenient. Natsuki watched as Naruto took out his swords and used one if them to behead the ninja.

The two stood in silence a slight tension in the air as they waited for the real Satsuko. When she returned she could feel the slight tension between the two and wondered what happened she couldn't ask though as Naruto told them it was time to leave.

He had told the two of them he had sent a clone to get the scroll of the teammates of the Ame nin. When Satsuko asked about it Naruto just told her they were attacked but they dealt with it.

They decided to sprint to the tower. It took them about an hour to reach it since they needed to stop so Satsuko and Natsuki could rest and they were attacked by animals a few times. When they reached the tower they found the clone with an earth scroll.

Naruto dismissed the clone and the three headed inside.

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Just so you know team 11 finished before the sand trio. Sasuke was attacked by Orochimaru and got the seal. He unlocked his sharingan from the attack but still lost of course. And Satsuko will be unlocking her sharingan soon.
Thanks for reading hope you all have a good day/night see ya next chapter BYE BYE
Ps. I don't own Naruto

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