With iruka gone the while room exploded in excitement as the freshly minted genin waited for their jonin instructors members of teams started to talk to each other discussing how they'll start saving princesses and their countries.
Meanwhile Naruto stayed in his seat unmoving in a conversation with the kyuubi that is until he was approached by his two teammates sasuko uchiha and natsuki aramada the two most beautiful girls in the class.
Satsuko had long flowing midnight black hair with matching black eyes she had pale skin and still growing c cup breasts and a shapely rear covered by a blue almost skin tight short sleeved shirt with white shorts and white and blue armbands (female sasuke).
Natsuki had more curly blond hair that only reached her shoulders with exotic pink eyes and c cups and a shapely rear with more tan skin she was dressed the same as sasuko but with a white and red colour scheme and a sword on her back just a regular katana.
The room seemed to freeze as the girls approached the dead last before sitting next to him on either side of him as the seats were vacated as sasuke and there fore his fan girls went for food. Merely raising an eyebrow naruto was greeted by the two "hi naruto hope we get along i cant wait to get to know you" was the greeting of the ever cheerful natsuki "dont hold us back" was all he got from sasuko. Naruto simply turned to them and said "hm did you say something "
Kakashi hatake was going about his business before he was blown back by an sneeze before shouting out "SOMEONE JUST USED MY LINE" the rest if the people in the area just looked at him weirdly and carried on with their day
----------------------------------------------Everyone in the class gaped and sasuko's eye twitched she actually looked like she would explode.
Luckily for naruto who didnt want to get in a fight and beat her and subsequently draw attention two kunai smashed through the window with a banner that read :the sexy and single anko mitarashi has arrived: before a purple haired haired women appeared in very sexy i mean inappropriate clothing she stood with her arms crossed under big breasts gazing over the class she called "alright team eleven meet me outside training ground 44 in 10 minutes gakis" and with that she jumped out the same window before sticking her head back in saying "and dont be late or I'll feed you to my snakes " then once more took off.
The three genin sighed before heading off the rest of the class wishing the two girls good luck
Training ground 44- 9 minutes later
----------------------------------------------The group was panting except naruto from having to run to make it in time where upon arriving they saw there sensai sitting on the gate to the training ground munching in some dango and looking at them with amusement lingering in her eyes then she addressed them " alright gakis you were in time sadly my snakes are hungry" she paused seeing the girls expression "but i guess i cant any way introduce yourselves I'll go first i am the sexy anko mitarashi i like snakes, sake kure-chan and dango i dislike perverts, rapist and a certain sannin my hobbies include toture, hanging with friends and eating dango and my dreams for the future is to get rid of said sannin alright sasuko your turn" she finished pointing at satsuko who began
"my name is satsuko uchiha my likes are natsuki, sasuke, tomatoes and a certain boy my dislikes are weaklings, rapists and itachi and my hobbies are hanging out with my friends and training and finally my dream for the future is to avenge my clan and marry that certain boy" as she said this she discreetly glanced at naruto a slight blush on her face.
Seeing this anko smirked lightly before calling natsuki for her turn "hi my name us natsuki armada my likes are sasuko and my other friends, nature and the sunset my dislikes are bullies, rapists, itachi uchiha and fanboys my hobbies are watching the sunset, hanging out with my friends and going in the forest my dream fir the future is to join anbu and have a massive family." She responded confidently and then finally naruto went
"my likes are none of your concern and i dislike people my hobbies are things i do and i have dreams every night" he said and all three kunoichi gaped at him before anko shook it of and announced that they were to meet there at 10 the next day and they shouldn't eat.

Blood stained wings- Naruto fanfic
FanficHe was hated for something he couldn't control. They beat and scorned him. And now he hates them. He is thankful however because they forced him to be strong now they'll regret their decision, as they have to face something worse then the demon they...