The first enemy encounter

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It was 9:00am when Naruto awoke from his slumber. Groggily getting out of bed to take a shower. As he felt the water hit his body he remembered he had his first mission in an hour. Now fully awake he finished his shower, brushed his teeth and got dressed. It was nine thirty when he left his home fully prepared for the mission his swords across his back diagonally. Making his way to the meeting area he arrived at 9:45 he was greeted to the sight of the client and the carriage driver? (Are they called carriage drivers) standing next to the carriage which was to be pulled by a horse.

Walking up to Aina he tapped her shoulder to get her attention "hey, you ready to go home?" He asked once she'd fully turned to him.

"Good morning and I can't wait to get home although i will miss you when you have to come back here" she replied clearly saddened.

"Don't worry to much the team will be staying in wave for a few days before leaving and I'll be sure to visit you" he said cheering her up.

After that they just waited engaging in a bit of small talk. When 10:00 rolled around all members of the team where ready to set of for wave. Taking there positions Naruto in the carriage, Natsuki and Satsuko on the left and right respectivly and Anko stood on the top of the carriage in order to get a good view of the surroundings. Once they were all ready they set off. Inside the carriage Aina was looking at Naruto with a worried look as his eyes were glazed over. Unknown to her Naruto was having a conversation with Kyuubi .

"So we're finally getting rid of that whore thank kami" kyuubi spoke only heard by Naruto.

'Ok one she's not a whore. Two stop getting jealous and three where have you been last chapter you said nothing and you only had one line in the one before that' he said defending Aina then questioning my story.

"It's that stupid author cutting my time in chapters the cunt and forgetting about me he should be burned on a stake" she ranted. Ok thats enough insulting me ahem back to the story.

Naruto felt a small push on his shoulder making him focus on reality. Looking up, his head having drooped in his daze, he saw Aina with her arm outstretched.

"Yes Aina do you need anything?" he asked with a small smile.

"I was just wondering if your ok you seem dazed" she had a cute concerned look on her face.

"No its fine really" he responded before they both felt the carriage halt to a stop.

They both looked around curiously wondering why they had stopped. Naruto sensed a two enemy ninja outside the carriage about to crash through the side of it and into Aina. Reacting quickly he grabbed her and pulled her to his side of the carriage. He watched as two ninja burst through the carriage and were currently stood were Aina once sat.

Naruto recognised them as the demon brothers. The Demon Brothers, Gōzu and Meizu, are two chūnin missing-nin from the village hidden in the mist.

Gōzu has shoulder-length, wild dark-brown hair and dark eyes. He wears a rebreather that covers the lower half of his face and a large, clawed, poisonous gauntlet on his right arm which had a chain coming out of it that had the other end attached to his brother's own gauntlet. He wore a camouflage suit with bandages around his waist, dark-coloured, knee-length sandals and a ragged black cape. His Kirigakure forehead protector had a single horn on it.

Meizu was similar in stile Meizu has shoulder-length, wild dark-brown hair and dark eyes. He wears a rebreather that covers the lower half of his face and a large, clawed, poisonous gauntlet on his left arm which had a chain coming out of it that had the other end attached to his brother's own gauntlet. He wore a camouflage suit with bandages around his waist, dark-coloured, knee-length sandals and several pouches around his waist. His Kirigakure forehead protector had two horns on it.

Meizu spoke "hand over the girl or we will kill you boy" he rattled the chain between him and his brother intimidatingly. Naruto in return stood putting Aina on his seat. Not bothering with words he disappeared not even seconds later the demon brothers were sent flying through the hole they had made Naruto reappeared in their previous position. He stepped outside the carriage to see Anko no where in site. Well he saw her 'dead' body but he knew it was a trick. He also saw Natsuki and Satsuko on the floor shivering in fear. Shaking his head slightly in disappointment he git ready to beat the the demon brothers.

"Surrender while you still can demon brothers" he demanded not wanting to waste his time.

Instead of a proper answer they just ran at him chain at the ready screaming die. Sighing he jumped up landing pulling out his blades he stabbed on in the head. And with the other blade hime cut ones arm of. Flipping of the chain as the brothers fell to the ground he turned to the still alive one. He was ready to interrogate them but before he could Anko interfered.
5-mis of torture later
After torturing the captive Anko took Naruto aside "So kid you all right that was your first kill" she spoke a small hint of concern in her voice.

"I'm fine Anko it's a necessary evil" he spoke no regret, his voice instead going back to emotionles.

"Well of your sure gaki, but if you need me know I'm here for you" she spoke with a small smile.

"Thank you Anko-chan" he spoke a sliver of happiness in his voice. Meanwhile Anko blushed slightly surprising herself.

'What has he done to make me blush' she thought in confusion. After there little conversation they continued on to wave Naruto carrying Aina because of the broken carriage. The carriage driver opting to stay back and wait for the leaf ninja that were called to collect the remaining demon brother.
Thanks for reading hope you all have a good day/night see ya next chapter BYE BYE
Ps. I don't own Naruto

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