Chapter 12

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*Jonathan's POV*

I finally reached Emma and Mary at the docks. They were talking to this pirate like fellow wearing all black and red. His hair was black and he had many rings amongst his fingers. Nice tall leather boots and a long leather jacket. Damn he was a classy pirate! Despite the dashing looks, there was something weird about this guy. Though he looked so unfamiliar, Emma and Mary were speaking with him so casually. I then decided to make my move.

"Hey everyone!" shouted I from a distance.

"What's up, I thought you had something to do." Mentioned Emma.

"Yeah, well, plans change. Before I say anything else, who is this man?" I questioned to them.

Emma explained, "This is Captain Hook, he had tagged along last time we ventured to Neverland. He knows his way around, so we figured he would be the best person to take us. The only problem is that we don't have any magical beans and my own powers aren't strong enough to teleport us there."

"Nice to meet you Captain." I shook his hand.

"Aye, it's an honor." Hook's heavy Irish accent spoke.

"Now, back to the main picture. I wanted to tell you guys not to go to Neverland! Everything is under control and will be fixed shortly." I blurted out.

"Wait, what, why?! We need to save the boy!" Mary panicked.

"As I was running to tell Kendall because I thought it would be the right thing to do, even if she killed me, Pan flew down and pulled me into an ally. He reassured that Sebastian was okay and having the time of his life. Peter told Sebastian the full story and is trying to convince the boy to come home." I clarified.

"Hold on, so you're telling me that Pan came here, spoke to you, tells you all this information and you believed him. Pan is a bloody liar, a trickster, he'll play with your mind. Just because he says everything is all fine and dandy doesn't mean it is. He will give you the slightest bit of hope them rip it all away!" Emma lashed out.

"I'm telling you, there was something different about him. As if something had changed, he isn't like all the stories I heard from you or Mary. He was genuine, there was nothing but joy and guilt in his eyes. Pan felt bad that Addison and I have to go through this. He only wants to make this things right." I pleaded.

"Yeah, the joy of tearing your family apart. The only guilt he has is for nearly killing my son and almost dying for it." Snapped Emma.

I looked over at Mary, she wasn't really sure. There was something about her that wanted to believe me. She can see light through most things, but from everything that has happened she was confused.

"Come on Mary, isn't there at least a little bit of you that wants to believe me?" I inquired.

"I..." She hesitated, "Don't know."

"Why, you don't have to know dearie!" A higher pitched voiced said.

Everyone immediately turned around. Hook gave a looked that basically said: make one more move and I'll kill you faster than you could beg for your life. The man sensed this and exchanged a looked saying calm down I'm not here to hurt anyone.

"Want to know why you don't have to know Mary? Well, it is because I can say for certain that Pan has changed. He came to me a few weeks ago and apologized. We sat down for tea and later on that night I followed him to make sure he wasn't bluffing. Sure enough he wasn't. He brought all the children home that had homes and reminded them they are loved even when it doesn't seem like it. A girl has changed him, and for the better." Rumple finished his speech.

"See, I'm not crazy. If you don't believe him then what else can you go off of?" I raised a brow at them.

"I still don't know. There have been plenty of times when Rumple has lead us astray why should we believe him this time?" Emma still confused.

"Emma, Hook, we need to believe Rumple. Remember when Belle came along, she changed him. I'm betting that is what is going on with Pan. I rather believe them and not go, verses going and finding out that we have been played." Stated Mary.

"Mary does have a fine point. I don't want to see what will happen if we went to get the boy from Pan. If he says he'll do something he usually means it. Even though his ways of doing so are rather odd." Hooked replied.

At this point everyone had come to the conclusion it was best to leave Peter Pan alone. I'm guessing we'll hopefully get an update from him telling us how the convincing is working out. He told me he doesn't want to pressure Sebastian. He wanted him to come to the answer on his own. Also, everyone in this little team pretty much knows where Sebastian is, but Addison. I want to tell her, but I'm afraid that she will find a way there herself. Knowing my wife, she won't let anything get in the way of her and her son. Death won't matter, whatever it takes to bring him back.

*Addison's POV*

I wandered around my apartment thinking of possible places my son could be. Nothing came to mind as I had checked and examined very closely every area he could possibly end up. Life is so overwhelming at this point and I wish I had someone there. The only person who would have been there, I kicked out. I am supposed to meet with some publishers tomorrow about the book. Everything is so stressful and I felt like I haven't been able to breathe.

Out of all times why now! My son is gone, I pushed away my husband, I'm meeting with publishers tomorrow, and I haven't gotten sleep for like the past two days. I don't know what to do, I'm completely lost. I feel as if I am sort of just standing here and watching as my life slowly falls apart. Why does everything bad have to happen to me, I just don't get it!?

All of a sudden I heard a big thud on my roof. What could possibly be going on, it's like 10:00 at night. Whoever has the nerve to visit me at this hour is insane. They have no idea whom they are dealing with!

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