Chapter Fifteen

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It was 11:30 am the next morning when I woke up to the sweet aroma of pancakes that filled the house. Nothing like a nice plate of pancakes topped with a thick coat of maple syrup. I can't remember the last time I had a home cooked meal. It didn't matter because I am home now and happy, well content because I still miss my little boy, Sebastian. I feel bad about not being there enough while he was growing up, but I am hoping that can change. That is if Peter Pan ever returns the boy.

At this point I saw it best to get out of bed and greet my wife. I made my way to the kitchen where I stealthily tip toed my way behind Addison. I went to make my move, so I gently put my hands on her waist and kissed her on the neck. I could feel her nerves tense up in shock, but a few seconds later they settled down again.

"Good morning swee..." I hesitated remembering her low tolerance to pet names. "What I mean was good morning!"

Addy giggled, "Haha it's okay. You ready for pancakes?"

"Oh yes! They look delicious."

I was handed a plate so I could properly coat my pancakes in sticky sensation that smelled of maple. My plate and I walked over to the petite dinning room table that was made of medal and could fold up. I sat in the chair that went with the table set. Addy eventually joined my after she prepared her plate the way she likes it. Once Addy sat down I could tell she was trying to examine my thoughts. She stared intently into my eyes, leaning forward, eyebrows furrowed.

"What're you thinking about?" She asked at last

"Well, first I wanted to apologize for my drinking and lack of being at home when you needed me. Lastly, I was thinking about Sebastian, when will he come home? I'm starting to worry." I expressed

"All is forgiven." I noticed Addy's face sink as she wasn't sure how to answer my question. "My friend Kendall said they are convincing him to come back. Peter has had quite the influence. Never though I'd see the day when Peter Pan was encouraging my child to go back home. He always did the opposite. He made children never want to leave that island of hell."

"Oh, I see." I said disappointedly.

"Yeah, I guess we'll just have to trust them." Addy plainly mentioned.

Shortly after our conversation had ended the food was gone. I offered and did the dishes since Addy cooked the food. It didn't take long to accomplish because there weren't too many. Although the dishes were merely a little distraction, my mind shifted back to the main picture once I was finished. I couldn't help but worry about our son. What if Peter doesn't live up to what he said and decides to keep the boy. I continued to have doubts about the situation and couldn't begin to understand why or how Addy had so much faith in the friend of hers named Kendall. All in all if Addy is chill about it, there isn't really any reason why I shouldn't be. Right???

*Sebastian's POV*

It was bright and early the next morning, when I realized it isn't as bright and early as I thought. I just slept in until about noon. I find this rather interesting because usually Kendall or Peter would ave woken me up by now, unless. An idea ran through my head, but if I was correct then I would need to act fast. I crawled out of bed and tip toed across camp to Kendall and Peter's tent. I then peeped through the door and saw them sound asleep, which didn't surprise me in any sort of way since they were up late last night.

Time to put my plan into action. I proceeded to sneak my way over to the bed where I would crawl all over them. I know my mom hated it, but it was it was always rather comical to me.

Rolling on top of them I said, " Kendall, Peter, time to wake up. it is about lunch time and I'm starving!" I heard some noises make there way out of Kendall's mouth, but Peter on the other hand let me tell you it was not just a noise. His eyelid sprung open as he flew out of bed to get dressed.

"Wow, I must've been more tired than I thought. Kendall we need to get up! There is a lot of planning and preparation we need to do in the following days, so we can't afford to to sleep in like this!" Peter shouted

Kendall reacted by nodding her head and mumbling, " Okay, I'm up." She did one of those first morning stretches where you yawn and sprawl out a ton to the point where you fall of your bed. However, it wasn't very smooth. Her head managed to smack the side table on the way down which made for quit the bruit awakening. "Why do these things always have to happen to me?" She questioned herself not meaning to include anyone else in the conversation. Yet Peter figured he'd reply anyways.

"Cause your clumsy and can't help it."

"Thanks, I appreciate your response to the question I asked myself." Her sarcasm strong as ever.

All Peter did in return was give his signature smirk and moved on to laying out clothing options for Kendall. While they talked about the plans for today I couldn't help but get bored and drift into thought. What did Peter mean by preparation for the following days? What big things could he possibly have planned? I wonder if it is about the whole leaving Neverland and starting over in a new place with all of us. It all seemed rather silly cause Neverland is amazing. there is always new adventures right around the corner.

"You ready?" Kendall directed towards me.

"I guess, for what?" I inquired.

"I don't know help me catch some food for lunch or early dinner I suppose."

"Oh yeah, I'm totally ready!"

*Peter's POV*

I watched the two of them leave my tent while I pondered over what I should about the whole leaving Neverland thing. Well, first things first I need to talk to Rumple and see how I will be able to continue my life at the age I'm currently at. Kendall will just continue at whatever age she left off on when she came here.

* * *

I arrived in Storybrooke it around 12:00 p.m. I walked down the street of the quiet little town heading toward Mr. Gold's Pawnbrokers. As I approached the shop my stomach began turning out of nervousness. What would Rumple think about Kendall, the lost boys, and I moving here? More importantly what will happen to my shadow? He created this place so if I am going to destroy it, I will have to go through him first.

While I pushed the door open, I could hear the little jingle of the bell as I did every other time I walked through the door. Obviously Rumple heard it because I noticed him making his way through the door frame that lead into the back room.

"Hello what brings you here?" Rumple said formally, yet really confused.

"I'm here to ask if there is a way that I could move here, but also continue at the age I am currently, so like 16. I wanted to start a new life with Kendall and the boy, while also being close to you. Will you please help me?"

"Oh, I see. Even if I some how manage to find a way for your request to happen, how do plan on getting away with this? Your shadow was the one who created the island so if you plan on destroying it, you'll have to go through him first."

"I have no idea yet. I just want to make sure there is a full proof plan that I can move here and grow up from the stage I am at right now in life. I just need to be reassured that everything is going to work and the only thing I will have to do is rid of my shadow."

"You will have to give me some time, spells or potions like that are hard to find and very complex. Father you need to understand this!" Rumple said with a little bit of an impatient tone, "These things take time, I will try my best. That is all I can promise you right now." Rumple calmed down trying to reassure me.

I nodded his way and we bid each other adieu. I flew back to Neverland where I could continue my thought. 


Hello, its @UltimateOncer02 here! Did you enjoy the chapter? I sure hope you did!

What do you think Peter is going to do about his shadow? How do you suppose he'll get rid of it?

All soon to be answered in these upcoming chapters, but I want to hear your thoughts on all of this. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think will happen.

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