Chapter Ten

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*Peter's POV*

It was real late that night when Sebastian and I arrived back at camp. There was still no sign of Kendall, but I do know she has been around camp. Since I have nothing else to do, I'm going to check on Addy. There is just something that feels off in Storybrooke. How do I know, I get regular letters from Rumple. Also, he has eyes all around the town.

I went over to Tinkerbell and asked her where the pixie dust fields were. I needed some for the road.

"They are across this meadow and you get to that very tall tree right there. There should be a secret switch that will bring you to the pixie dust field." She gave directions.

I thanked here and was on my way. I can fly on my own since you know I'm Peter Pan, but when I leave Neverland I'll need pixie dust. I when over to the tree and saw a little groove in it. I pressed the button which triggered it to open. I closed it behind me in case anyone were to follow. There it was. The pixie dust. I used my magic to put what I needed in a bag, since I didn't want to waste any. I walked out of the pixie dust fields and sprinkled the slightest bit of pixie dust. Now all I have to do is follow the second star to the right and strait on till morning.

*Authors POV*

That is what Peter did, he followed the second star to the right and strait on till morning. By this time Kendall walked into the tent and realized he wasn't there. She got curious and began asking around to see if the boys had any information. Sure enough no one knew where he was. Kendall began thinking to herself where could he have gone, usually he tells her where he is or going. Maybe there was a reason he didn't say anything this time, there has to be a good reason not telling. It could simply be that she was around so he couldn't tell her. No, why? She kept thinking but it got her nowhere.

Meanwhile Peter was flying over Storybrooke and it was beginning to get late. He hid amongst the clouds and saw a figure running down the street. The little Peter could make of his expression looked urgent and slightly worried. Then Pan realized, this was Jonathan. He was running towards Addison's house. This can't be good. He knew he has to do something so he few down and was right next to him.

*Jonathan's POV*

I saw this young boy like figure next to me. It appeared as if he was hovering above the ground? Wait what?! I thought to myself. We exchange eye contact for a few seconds he too me arm and dragged me into an ally way. In the process I nearly fell on my face.

"Who are you? What do you want with me?" I demanded.

"Oh please, you don't know who I am. Has this bloody town not properly lectured and you peasants. I can't believe you don't know who I am! Why I'm Peter, Peter Pan." He smirked.

My mouth grew wide open, while he looked rather please with himself.

"Oh close your mouth you look ridiculous. However, I know I'm amazing!" He took his hand and shut my mouth, "It's been so long since I've smirked. OH BOY DID THAT FEEL GREAT!"

"So Pan you are in StoryBrooke why? Come to take more children."

"No I stopped taking children a long time ago. You just wouldn't know that because I still live in Neverland." He stated.

"Then why in the hell is my son doing on you blasted island!" I yelled

"Calm down! He came to my island on his own. Believe me I have tried to convince him to go back. Just like I have with any other kid that comes to my island! Your son chose to come here. He is lost, broken and he said it is his new home. Believe me I told him the full story and tried to convince him to come back. I said I won't force you to stay, you are allowed to go home whenever. In fact I talk to him about it every day and give him multiple reasons why he should go home." Pan let out. "If you choose not to believe me it's okay."

"No, I believe you. Why are you here though? What is the meaning for dragging me into the ally way." I inquired.

"I brought you into the ally, because you can't tell Addison I have her son."

"Why is that and how do you know her name?"

"We have had a long history together and if she finds out she will kill me. Please, I beg you don't tell her. I am working on bringing your son home it will take time. Also, don't let that pirate ship leave the docks, if you do I will no longer exist amongst any worlds."

I let the boys words slowly sink in. I gave him a nod of the head and changed directions. I needed to let Emma and Mary know the news. While I did that I saw him flying away towards Neverland.

*Authors POV*

Jonathan went to tell Emma and Mary Margret the news. Peter Pan flew back to Neverland, but he had no idea what he was about to encounter when he arrived...


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What do you think Peter is going to encounter on Neverland? Will he be able to handle it? You will have to wait and see! With love <3 Till next time! 

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