Stuck With One Direction!!! (One Direction Fanfic)

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Authors note: OK so this is our first fan fiction, sooooo it may not be too good. But hope you enjoy anyways! Comment what you think, Constructive Criticism is always wanted!! <3

Much love, Ashley & Vicky xoxo

Dedication to: DillyDallyAlly <—- Thank you for the comments and help! :) GO CHECK HER OUT!! Shes so kind and helpful and a fabuLOUIS story critic. :) Thanks a bunch, love :) xo



Liam's POV,

"LOUIS" I yell loudly.

For the fifth time, we were getting chased by the security guards at the freaking mall .

*cough* Louis was sassing the store owners *cough*

"Lads, in here, COME ON!!" Louis screams as he turns left into the bathrooms, unknown if it was women or mens. But who cares, there was barely anyone around.

We run into one stall, and breath slowly and quietly so we aren't caught by the scary officer. Niall lets out a fart and a burp from the food we just had a while ago and believe me, it stank up real fast.

"NIALL!" Zayn and Louis screamed in frustration of the smell, waving at their noses, and scrunching up their faces. I pull my shirt up to my nose to deflect the stink.

"Shhh," Harry soothed them to keep it down.


Kathy's POV.

"Ugh!! Penny, look at what you did to my brand new sweater! MUM JUST GOT IT FOR ME!" Tracey, my older sister by one minute, fusses at my younger sister by one minute, Penny.

"Oh come on, it's just a sweater besides it was an accident," Penny says in defense for her actions and in return, she rolled her eyes and air quotes the word 'accident'.

"Right, just because YOU hate One Direction, you just have to dump that on my favorite sweater! Ugh its all on my poor babies' faces, poor Niall," Tracey sarcastically replies, pointing at the empty glass of smoothie in Penny's hand as she dramatically weeps.

People stare as they rush by quickly as I tun away from them two, face palming, embarrassed by my loud and troublesome sisters. Don't get me wrong now, I LOVE THEM AND ALL BUT, they can be very embarrassing and noisy. VERY NOISY. Its nearly impossible to go anywhere woth them without causing a scene.

Oh my heavens! You don't even know how fussy they can get over nothing. They fight like this everyday and guess who's stuck in the middle. ME! I'm always in the middle, well 70% of the time. It gets really annoying at times, for example like now. We suppose to be drinking our smoothies in quiet peace and relaxation but guess not BECAUSE they are arguing again. BUT this is how they express the sisterly love for each other you know.

"THIS ONE DIRECTION SWEATER THAT I WAS EXCLUSIVE ONLY AT THEIR CONCERTS. What if I did that to your dear little books that are full of rubbish!" Tracy continues rambling.

"You wouldn't," Penny yells back as she gasps dramatically. I guess the dramatic-ness runs through the family.

"Oh but I would" Tracey challenges, forming an evil smirk.

"Drama Queen!"






"OH WOULD YOU TWO PLEASE STOP FIGHTING! Penny say sorry" I exclaimed, annoyed and frustrated with the screaming going through both of my ears.

"Cant, that word does not exist in my vocabulary," Penny says in the annoying nerd tone. Yes shes a legit nerd. Like those annoying nerds that knows the answers for everything and uses rich vocabulary on a daily basis.

"Apologize, now," I demand, stomping my foot, now frustrated even more.

"Fine," Penny turns towards Tracey, "I'm sincerely apologizing from the bottom of my heart for accidentally spilling my smoothie onto your ratchet sweater." Penny says with no feelings and hints of sarcasm and then laughs when Tracey lost the smirk after she heard 'ratchet'. I face palm AGAIN and then I laugh along with her. Thats Penny for you.

"Okay now legs go to the bathroom quickly and wash off that smoothie. I think the mall's going to close soon, there literally no one else around." I quickly ordered, looking around.

"Why are they closing so early today, where is everyone?" Tracey questions as the three of us shrug and skid our shoes against the marble floor quickly towards the restrooms.

From the hall to the restrooms, you can smell the loads of fragrance rushing through even though no ones here. When we got into the girls restroom, it was all empty and suddenly, the lights went out and Tracey starts screaming and we bump into the stalls. I run straight into someone's, I think hard chest and I fall backwards onto the door and my head slamming first onto the bare marble floor. The only thing I see still, is darkness.


Tracey's POV,

I hear something thump onto the floor and that's when the lights come back on. I rub my eyes from the darkness and the first thing I see is Kathy laying there on the floor. I gasp as well as Penny and some other people......some other in...the one and only... One Direction!!!


So how was the first chapter?? Good or Bad?

Who do you think Kathy bumped into?

Comment and Vote if you like and wanttt!! :)

We hope you like it!!! Stay tuned for more <3

-Ashley&Vicky xo

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