Chapter 14

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Harrys POV

As we walked to the food court, I glanced over at Kathy.

Her question, "Harry, what will happen to us, after we get out of this place." really caught me by surprise. and I responded with the cheesiest lines.

but for real, due to this incident, we have already missed some concert dates in a few different places, could we manage any more time together or even long distance. we could skype every day but it wouldnt be the same. no soft kisses or warm hugs or her sweet presence. would I be able to keep my word ...

Kathys POV

"Baby, what would you like to eat," Tracey asks Niall as hes hugging her from behind.

"How about pasta?" Niall suggests eagerly. Her specialty. Traceys Pasta is unbelievably amazinng!!

"Vicky, Penny, come help mee!" Traceys grabs our arms without even letting us give a reply and rushes into one of the kitchens.

"okay, Vicky- boil the water and Penny- get me some pasta, and I'll work on the sauce," Tracey orders us. Heres her bossy side.

---20 mins later---

"Lets eat!" Liam exclaims as we all dig into our food.

"Wow, this is really good," Zayn compliments, and the others nod in agreement. Tracey has a smug proud look on her face which makes me laugh.

"SECONDS!" Niall yells and Tracey giggles getting him more.

"Kathy, you have some sauce on the side of your lips, here, I'll get it for you," Harry smirks as he leans in closer to me. When I thought he was about to kiss me, I felt a dry wipe of.. napkin ? I turned around to Penny who has a napkin in her hand.

"No PDA while eating," she says as they all laugh,, except me and Harry.

"Its okay, we can do it after," Harry flirts winking at me.

"okay, Mr. Flirt," I replied, smiling.

"there is too much love at that side of the table, Liam lets make our own love," Louis complains jokingly. We all burst out laughing at Louis's comment. Liam playfully scoots away as Louis puckers his lips, pretending to kiss him.

"How much longer do you think we're gonna be stuck in this place, I'm actually starting to smell," Louis whines with his mouth full of pasta and sauce all over his face.

I sat there wondering as well ,as much as I love the mall and being with the boys, it can get tedious after a few days.

"I think Louis just misses his girlfriend, Eleanor!" Liam chimes in, elbowing Louis playfully, as a faint blush comes across his face.

"Awe, look at our little Louis growing up, he's becoming a man." Harrus dramatically cries on Zayn's shoulder as if he were a mother of a graduating son or something.

"HEY! I'm older than all of you! You should be respecting me, bowing down to my feet !!!" LOuis cries, jumping up out of his seat, jokingly.

"Only by age, I think we're all older by maturity level....with the exception of Tracey," Penny adds as Tracey and Louis both pout, while Zayn high-fives her and the rest of us burst into laughter.

Tracey suddenly pops a quesiton to Niall, " Niall, are you going to miss me?"

Niall was speechless for a moment before smiling and replying, " I will miss you every moment we're not together."

That was the cheesiest but cutest line EVER.

"That was expecially cheesy, double the cheese but still cute," Penny comments as we all nod in agreement as Niall and Tracey go off in teir own little world.

Penny pokes Zayn in the face, "Tag, you're it!"

She starts running as Zayn tags Niall who chases after Liam.

and thats how our little tag game started.

--a few minutes later--

"No, Louis, dont come any closer," I warned as a mischevious smile plasters on his face.

"HARRRYY, help me!" I cried jokingly, as Louis starts running after me.

"I DONT WANNA BE ITT, IM SORRY," Louis screams like a maniac.

"NEITHER DO I!" I scream back.

"NO FEAR, SUPERMAN IS HERE!" Harry appears out of nowhere, he envelopes me into a hug, very heroically, until Louis tags him instead.

"yeeeeeeeeees, finally, I'm not it anymore!" Louis waves his arms around.

"Wait does that mean I'm it, cuz technically, Harry is touching me."

"if you know what I mean," Harry winks again.

Louis rolls his eyes and answers, "yes."

"wow, way to be a hero," I joke to Harry as he pouts and cries, " I'm sorry babe! forgive meee!"

I turn my back to him, as I eyed my new target- Tracey.

--long after the game--

We all collapsed to the ground, tired from running and screaming like mad men.

Harry and I move a little farther from the group so we can have our alone time.

He slowly starts kissing me up my neck with soft and small kisses. I kiss him back as I place my hands on his strong broad shoulders, near the bottom of his firm jaw. He smiles through the non stop rush of kissing, showing his adorable dimples. He glides his hand down the back of my long hair and his other hand on my waist, pulling me closer and closer. Our lips continue to be as if they were synchronized.

I back away finally, grasping for air, we were both out of breath for god sake. That was literally the best kiss ever.

"You just thought that that was the best kiss ever didn't you, " Harry smirks. He just read my mind.

"Pfft, nooo," I lied as he sent me a mischevious grin.

"Are you sure," he asks me before tackling me down with tickles. I couldn't stop giggling and soon it made my cheekbones ache from too much smiles and laughs.

"Okay, MAYBE I was," I gave in, in defeat.

"Maybes not good enough," Harry grins, showing off his attractive dimples again.

"Oh Harry, I dont even think I'm good enough for you," I muttered quietly so he didnt hear.

"I would think dating world famous popstars like Harry Styles would only happen in dreams and fanfictions.

"What?" Harry asked, not hearing what I muttered as I shook my head 'nothing'.

"SAY HELLO TO THE CAMERA," Penny shouted suddnely jumping from behind a fake bush with a white video camera in her hand, pointing it at us with her evil little grin.

"Are you actually taking a video?!!" I skrieked, jumping to hide behind Harry. Me + Camera do not go well together.

"Seems like someones a little camera-shy," NIall laughs.

"Penny, did you get the whole snogging part," Tracey sends a wink at me. oh my god, they all witnessed it. I could feel my cheeks slowly start to burn up quick. Penny nods witha wide grin as my eyes grew wide.

I chased after them to get the camera back, but then they threw it into a cart of cameras outside of a camera store.

Louis gives them a high five and everyone start to laugh again.

Suddenly, bright lines are shined through one of the entrances and loud noises are heard.



DEDICATION TO; ---thanks for commenting on the last chapter :) i hope you have a great day and liked this chapter!!<3 xo

hope you enjoyed this chapter-- the storys almost over !!


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-A & V <3

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