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Chapter 16- HAPPY ENDING!!


My eyes squinted at the light, shining in my face. I finally managed to open my eyes after constantly rubbing at them. I sat up straight on my bed and my head felt super heavy with thoughts. The memory was very vivid and clear. The whole week or so with Harry and the lads at the mall. 

My mom suddenly barged in the door, "RISE AND SHINE, MY BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER!" This woman has too much energy in the mornings.

"The weather is starting to warm up, hurry and get ready, we're going out to the mall today," she rushed me out of bed and, before getting my other sisters.

I glanced at my phone, April 5th, 10:37 am.

Was it all just a dream? Harry and them, and the snowstorm, and being stuck inside the mall? That can't be it. I could still remember every detail clearly, maybe I could ask my mum if any of it happened but if it didn't that would be awkward and she would probably enter me into a delusional facility. 

After a dream, everything is gone. Only a part of the dream is remembered and its not very assuring, but this one is different. Everything is laid out, I could match it all with my eyes closed. 

"KATHY!" Trembling footsteps grew louder towards my room before they barged through my door.

With heavy footsteps like those, it can only be... my sisters. They were alarmed with eyes wide open along with their mouth, huffing for air.

"Guys, I had the weirdest dream about being stuck at the mall with-" I started to say. They wouldn't judge me for they are crazier than me sometimes.

"One Direction." Penny finished for me. what.

"Wait you had the same dream?" I asked in disbelief. Then I looked at Tracey, and she nodded at me. 

"We were stuck in the mall during a massive snowstorm with One Direction for like a week," Tracey explained and the facts matched. 

"And I even liked them," Penny added in and we gave in a little chuckle. This is unbelievable. 

"This is weird, we all had the same dream," I said.

"I guess it's a triplet thing," Tracey joked halfheartedly because she knew too that this was too much for a 'triplet thing'.

"It all seemed so real, and the memories are so clear.." I mumbled, thinking hard.

So everything was just a dream...

"Mom says we're going to the mall soon , so get ready!" They both chorused before leaving my room.

I head to my bathroom to wash up and changed into a peach blouse paired with my light-washed jeggings. I brushed on a coat of mascara and threw a bunch of stuff into my bag, then shutting the door behind me.

To my surprise, at the table downstairs was my family, eating breakfast. Everyone was up today before 12. Breakfast at 11 AM is actually early for us.

"Good morning Mum, good morning Dad," I greeted and took the empty seat next to Tracey.

We had a loud and typical breakfast as if nothing happened but something kept tugging at me that it might have been real. Maybe its just my imagination getting too far...

"I CALLED SHOTGUN," Penny and I called together in unison as we ran towards the car, competing for the seat.

But inside we found Tracey, one step ahead of us already. So, we ended up in the back with my mum driving. We parked in the same spot as we did in the dream which was like deja-vu to me.

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