Mount Rushmore

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(Takes place about a week before Jason, Piper, and Leo arrive at camp halfblood)

"Hey Leo." I said gaining the brunettes attention.

"What?" He asked looking over at me with those huge excited brown eyes.

"I'm cold." I said. I mean I wasn't lying it was frigid in the van thingy and I was wearing skinny jeans and a My Chemical Romance band tee. Leo smiled at me for a second before shrugging off his jacket and handing it to me. I smiled grate fully at him as I took it and put it on. The jacket, not to my surprise, smelt just like him. A mix of oil and maple syrup.

"Better?" He asked with that genuine smile of his that I loved seeing. I nodded at him and he wrapped his tan, skinny, and warm arm around my shoulders.

"Much. Especially now." I said with a mischievous smirk before I flipped my (h/c) hair out of my face.

"Aww." I hear from the seat behind us. Leo and I both turn to see our Cherokee friend, Piper. "You guys are so cute together." Piper awed as we both looked down and blushed.

"Seriously Piper. We're only friends. Right (y/n)?" At that exact moment I wanted to lean over and kiss him and tell him how much more than friends I want to be.

"Yeah. I guess..." I trail off quietly.

"Ya sure about that there, (y/n)?" Jason asks as his head peeks over the seat behind us. I blush at that statement.

"I mean you're already wearing his clothes." Piper says as she gestures towards the jacket.

After maybe two hours of being tortured about how Leo and I should both start dating until the bus pulls up at Mount Rushmore.

"Thank Gods." I mumble under my breath as I use the familiar quote my mom used to use before her death. But, if I had never lost her then I wouldn't have met Leo and wouldn't have wound up here. Leo and I have been with each other ever since both of our mothers died and our first orphanage was burnt down.

"You do have the paper right?" Leo whisper asks me as Coach Hedge is yelling at us to get off the bus. Seriously, all this yelling was driving me crazy.

"Shut up already! Gods! No one can ever be quiet around here can they?!" I yell at the bus. All my friends look at me like I'm insane. "Yes I have the paper. Both mine and yours." I say as I turn to Leo, hand him his paper, and walk off the bus with every one trailing after me completely stunned at my outburst. And why shouldn't they be? Its usually very out of character for me.

"Um, (y/n)? What was that back there?" Leo asked me once we where away from everyone else. I looked over at him, taking in all of his features.

He had beautiful curly brown hair, bright chocolate brown eyes that sparkled in the light, a tanned and skinny frame. His hands usually tended to be busy with messing with wires or pipe cleaners that  he, for some weird reason, kept in his pocket.

"Um... (y/n)? You okay?" Leo waved his hands in front of my face. In response I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Whatever." I mumbled and started to walk around.

~Time Skip~

We got back on the bus and once everyone was seated we started to pull out. Leo would occasionally look over in my direction. Finally, I looked back over at him and smiled.

"Would you two just kiss already?" Piper huffed which made both of us blush. When I looked back over at Leo he was grinning like a madman.

"Leo?" I ask confused as to why he was grinning. He put a finger to his lips and his other on the side of my face.

"I like you, (y/n). Like, like like you."Leo whispered before leaning in and connecting our lips together. We sat there like that for a full minute.

"Well, Leo, I like like you too." I yawned.

"Tired?" Leo asks me as I lean my head on his shoulder. I nod sleepily towards him before falling asleep on his shoulder.

Oh yeah. I could get used to this...

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