What We Really Want

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"You're too young, (Name)!" Annabeth replies sharply.

"Seriously?" You huff. "I'm nineteen! And I feel ready."

"Do you know how big of a thing sex is, (Name)?" She lowers her voice, just because she knows you get giddy around that tone.

"We'll use protection, Annabeth!" You sit down on a circular rock.

Annabeth and you had been arguing for about an hour now. You had first told her you and Leo were planning 'it' at breakfast, and she had dragged you to the lake to give you some epic lecture about the dangers of it. Of course, you were internally laughing, since you heard the noises coming from the Poseidon cabin every week.

"Y'know, sometimes, protected sex isn't entirely safe." Sighing, Annabeth rakes her fingers through her loose blonde curls. She has frown lines on her forehead you often see.

Instantly, you snap, "Well, I'm sure you're saying that right after the escapades in Cabin 3!"

You know you've made a point when your sister flushes a dark shade of crimson.

"(N-Name) . . ."

"Besides, I'm not looking for your permission." You shoot up from your seat and stomp off, a 'girl-on-her-periods' expression on your face.

What right does Annabeth have to boss you around? You'd been on just as many quests as her, saved Percy more times you could count and help Rachel understand the message she sent from Tartarus.

Deciding you are going to block any other retorts she shouts at you, you walk over to the path Leo created for you to find Bunker 9.

                                                                                               *    ~    *    ~    *

"So, how'd it go?" Your twenty-year-old boyfriend asks, polishing Buford.

"Ugh, horribly." You reply, sitting on a stool a few metres away from Leo. "She was yelling at me, saying I was too young and there were so many dangers." You intone Annabeth perfectly: "'Do you know how big of a thing sex is, (Name)?'"

"Ouch." Leo replies, patting Buford and sitting on a stool opposite you.

"And to think, she's lecturing me when she fucks Percy all the time." You muse, twiddling with the ends of your (h/l), (h/c) hair.

Leo chuckles slightly. "Hey, I just finished rebuilding Festus. Wanna see him?"

Your eyes light up, happy to see the intricate masterpiece that was the figurehead of the Argo II. "Sure!"

Leo gets up, takes your hand and leads you to the very back of the Bunker. There's a huge cloth covering a dragon-shaped object, assumingly a finished Festus. The son of Hephaestus tugs at the back of the cloth and it immediately falls.

"Whoa." You breathe in utter awe. Leo smirks triumphantly from next to you.

There stands Festus, in all his glory. Very different to how you last saw him with a body and all. He's much bigger now, and his wings enormous and tucked into his sides. He has a cushioned seating on his neck down to the middle of his back. His scales are a bright brassy-gold colour and they shine as if newly polished. Being exposed to sunlight, Festus's eyes glow their usual ruby colour.

"Let's take him for a ride, right?" Leo questions, looking at you.

"Hells yes."

Laughing, he leads you up to his side and climbs up. He lends a hand as you follow on behind.

When he mounts Festus's neck, you plonk down behind him and wrap your arms round his waist.

"C'mon, boy. You can do it." Leo mutters encouragingly.

Soon, Festus releases a low, throaty grumble. Then, slowly, trudges forward. He sees the bright light ahead, and uses his legs to trot along the runway.

After some time, Festus is soaring in the air. You glance down, your (e/c) skimming the patchwork quilt below you.

"It's beautiful." You breathe in awe. You're so high up in the air, you could reach your fingers out and you would be touching clouds. Down below, the forest clumps together to create a large expanse of greenery, and the camp isn't that far along.

Leo turns on his seat, so he's then facing you instead of forward. You figure Festus can navigate himself, so you don't worry about Leo's new position.

"So," he props himself on his elbows while his chin rests on his hands. "what do you think?"

"It's amazing." You reply without hesitation. "I've never been this high up before."

He smirks. "Don't you think I deserve a reward?"

You give Leo a look. "I'm guessing you want a kiss, Valdez?"

He nods. "And something else . . ."

You raise your eyebrows, surprised he'd want to start that kind of thing up here.
(A/N: do you know how red I am just typing that, okay, and I don't usually blush)

"Eww, I didn't mean that, (Name)!" He scrunches his eyebrows together, and pushes you.

"Oh, really?" You ask skeptically.

Childishly, he pokes his tongue out.

"Valdez, you weirdo."

"You love me anyway." He smiles angelically.

"Unfortunately." You whisper, before grabbing his collar and kissing him. As usual, his lips are soft and warm. You melt into it, and he tucks your hair out of the way while he cups your face.

His hands trail down your arms, then to your waist. He hitches you up on his lap, and firmly steadies you by wrapping his arms round your back.

Your hands run through his curls down to his neck, which you can tell sent tingles down his spine.

In this moment, you realise sex isn't what you or Leo want in this relationship.

Just each other's love.

Leo Valdez Fluff And One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now