The meeting of Naruto

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On the side is a picture of Naruto and the theme song of Naruto.

I'm coming back from seeing my dad off from a mission at the gates. After a while of walking down a street to get home; in the corner of my eye I see a blond haired boy running in my direction. He seems to be in a rush and carrying something.

I close my eyes for one second, as the yellow haired boy bumps into me. As he does I realise what is in his hand, as it lands all over me. I yell, "Watch where you're going! You're going to pay for spilling paint over me." As soon as I said that he jumps up and legs it. I start running after him.

As I'm running the birds are flying around me, as if they're trying to stop me. The sun is glaring today, so it seems as if I'm wasting my time on this boy. As soon as I decide to give up chasing him, I see people chasing him. As the people are chasing him they're shouting his name, I can hardly make it out. I think he's in trouble, so I decide to hide somewhere, where the people running after him will go

As soon as I see a person running, calling his name, I decide to trip him up, so the boy has more time. I don't know why I'm doing this... but do I think he is cute, in a why? What am I thinking I shouldn't think like that! Suddenly I get distracted from the man yelling, "Naruto get back here!" So that's the name of this mysterious boy. After thinking, I put my foot out and trip the man over. As he falls he turns around to see what tripped him. In my head I'm thinking quickly, leg it, so I don't get caught. The other side of me won by saying, see what you can get from him about the boy. So now I'm staying put. Thew man laying down has a curious look in his eyes, so i ask, "Do you wan to go to the toilet or are you wondering who I am?" When I say the last bit I wiggle my eye brows at him. As soon as he notices, he looks at me with disgust written all over his face.

After a second of silence, he starts to say, "I-I" but as soon as he starts I cut him off. I start facing the way Naruto went, and I say, "I need to go, but nice meeting you, for a short while!" As I say the last word I start running to catch up to Naruto. The thought of him being in danger rushes into my head. As I run I'm feeling sorry for myself because I should've not worn a skirt to day. My skirt is flying everywhere so I have to hold it down. In the corner of my eye I see a flicker of my slowing red skirt and my long red hair.

After a while of catching up with Narurto, my legs begin to get worn out, so I decide to jump up onto the roof  tops. I see Naruto in the distance, looking as if he is slowing down. I yell at him, "I see that you're not caught yet!" As I yell at him it feels like my face is as bright as a beacon.

Naruto looks back, I see his beautiful blue eyes sparkling like starts in the sky, but the expression on his face look as if he is judging me. Naruto slows down to get a better view of my sexiness. As he sees my shinning face he curiously asks, "Who are you?" As he says that I jump, strike a pose and answer with anime tears coming down my face, "Haven't you heard of  me? I feel so offended!" I quickly face the other way. I start to hear Naruto begin to anime cry, "I'm sorry , who are you?" I face him.

I yell, "I',m no other then... ARATA AKIKO CHIKA meaning fresh, new, sparkle, bright, wisdom, intellect, good and flower. As you see me here you should be bowing to me." As soon as I say that Naruto falls down onto his knees. "I saved your ass out there by stopping a constipated man from getting you." I smile cockily at him as he moves closer to me, wanting me to explain more, "Well, all I can say now is that I came back from saying good bye to my dad, then randomly seeing you run. You bumped into me and got paint on me. So I decided I wanted to kill you for ruining one of my favorite clothing. So you owe me!" As I say that he flinches. "Then I gave up on chasing you."

"Ha! You gave up chasing me!" Then he starts laughing his head off. I hit his head and blood came running out of his nose. I shout in response, "BAKA! Let me continue. Well, as I saw people chasing after you I decided to help you get out of trouble. It was MY DECISION TO HELP YOU OUT and then I tripped this guy up. I did this all to ask why they were chasing after you."

At first he had shock all over his face. Naruto starts speaking, "W-Well, I just" however before he continued he sniggers for a while.

After a while of him sniggering in the distance I could sense a group of people with a lot of chakra. THey're heading closer and closer. Then I softly whisper in Naruto's ear, "Sorry to stop you, but we are being chased again." I grasp his hand and start to run away with him. Naruto is turning red by the second, I also am turning red by the second, I know why but I want to know how he will react. This is my bad side that has come out. Normally my good side comes out at this stage but because of what he has done to my dress he deserves it. So I start to ask, "Are you turning red because you fancy me or are you thinking something sexual. If you are thinking something sexual then I might have to take off my shirt to compensate." Once I said that I notice what I just said so I just let my bad side kick in. So I wiggle my eye brows at him hoping for the second one. I'm now looking at him in his eyes as if I'm in space. I feel as if my golden red hair if floating around use. As that happens my red amber eyes never leave Naruto's sparkling eyes.

After a long while of that feeling that sensation, as this goes on I'm still running, he says something, "Um - I would..." Before he could finish I look in front of me and suddenly collide with a tree. I turn towards Naruto, smile and shout, "You could have told me sooner." Once I said that an anime vein appears on my head with anger. I start to spin around for a couple of seconds as if I'm drunk, then I start to fall towards the ground. As i'm falling I can see figures running faster and faster towards me. One of them arrives in time just before I hit the ground. As soon as I'm in his arms safely, I look up to try and find Naruto however there is no sign of him. What a time to leave me with these people.

I grunt in frustration as the person who caught me is carrying me for a while. I start to struggle out of his arms but it's no use. Instead I gather chakra and start to make flowers grow up the man's legs. After a couple of seconds he comes to a sudden holt, as he does he looks from me to the flowers around his legs. I feel that this is the right time to leave. So I jump from his arms and run towards Naruto.

 It took me longer to find him because he is hinding. I'm now standing next to a building near where Naruto is camourflaged as a fence. I knew it's him because of his flow of chakra and that he keeps laughing as someone runs past. Out of no where, there jumps out a man with a cut along his nose, as I recognise him as Iruka Sensei. He found out where Naruto is and starts to shout at him. I'm laughing my head off because of the shouting match between them. Then before I could leg it he jumps behind me and picks me up and shouts in both of our ears, "You should never do that now lets go back to the academy." He looks down at me as soon as he finished. He is trying to remember who I am and what I was doing. I have a very good reason why I didn't go to the acadmy today. The reason was that I was saying goodbye to my dad because he is going on a long mission. However I didn't want to argue with one of my sensei's. If you are wandering who my other senseis are, they're my parents. I call them my sensei because when I train they don't like me calling them mum or dad.


Me: *Evil laugh*

Arata: Can I join in? *Evil laugh*

Naruto: What is going on?

Me: *Grabs rope and ties up Naruto* This is for leaving Arata. *Holds up kukai to his neck*

Naruto: *Gulps*

Me: Now stay that I don't owe Naruto characters

Naruto: HeatherShaw937 doesn't owe Naruto characters. Now let me go. *Crys*

Me: Arata you can choose what you do to him.

Arata: *Evil laugh sits on Naruto and starts into his eyes slowly leans in closer.*

You have to wait until next time to find out what happens to Naruto. Please comment, like, put library... Please read I want to know if it's good, this is my first Naruto fanfic.

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