C rank mission or not?

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Its 7pm so I decide to go home because I have a C rank mission to do in the morning because of Naruto and my help.

***Flash Back***

 We just finished catching the cat and getting our other mission. Why do we always have to do D rank missions? Naruto is ranting it as well.

I speak up, "How are we able to develop if we only do D rank missions we don't use any of the training we are learning. Apart from team work which is annoying with some people." I mutter the last part so no one could hear, but I was wrong Sasuka if looking at me with an angry look as if I'm referring to working with him, I shrug it off.

The Hokaga looks at me as if he knew what I was talking about. Naruto starts having a tantrum as I start giving the Hokaga a serious look as if to say you can trust us, or just me and Kakashi to look after everyone.

After a while the Hokaga gives up and gives us a C ranked mission to protect a bridge builder, named Tazuna to the village hidden in the mist, wave country. I've hear of that place there is a lot of assassins around there, this will be fun!

***End of Flash Back***

Morning time for my first Crank mission, YAY! I pack my things for the mission, I pack a lot of weapons just incase, and other things I would need. I wear my ninja outfit and grab some breakfast as I leave.

I run to the gates and Naruto, Sakura and Tazuna were there. I smell alcohol, I forgot Tazuna drinks a lot and I mean a lot. How come his bottle doesn't run out, I don't see him change it? Once I reach them I say my hi's and Sasuka and Kakashi Sensei appears, we start to head off to our destination.

 As we were walking I ask Tazuna, "Can I try some of that?" I look up to him with puppy dog eyes. He laughs and I get hit over the head by Kakashi. "What was that for?"

Kakashi gives me a closed eye smile, "You're too young to have alcohol." I ignore what he says and go talk to Naruto because he will be the only one that would talk.

After a while of talking to Naruto I get bored and start to sing Dark Side (Clip on side how she sings it.) After a while of singing and walking I notice a puddle, It's strange because it hasn't rained. So I decide to jump in it and catch Kakashi's attention and he understood what I was trying to say. Sasuka pulls me way from the puddle, kill joy!

I decide to anoy Kakashi Sensei by jumping on his back. He didn't mind. After a while of being on his back we get attacked. Chains wrap around Kakashi Sensei and me we both do substitution jutsu without anyone noticing. I heard shouting of mine and Kakashi's name. So they do care for my? I got the wrong impression. 

After a while of nothing other them waiting for the right moment. Kakashi jumps off the branch we where on to go help Tazuna, Sakura and Sasuka. While I go to help Naruto. I make my nails turn to crystals and block the kunai that is going to hit Naruto. I turn around and ice his feet.

Kakashi drags the two together then I put a wooden band around their feet and hands, so they can't do anything.

I randomly sing to the rogue ninjas, "Don't you worry, Don't you worry child. See heaven's got a plan for you. Don't you worry, Don't you worry now. Don't you worry, Don't you." Before I could continue Sasuka's hand goes over my mouth. I try to talk but can't so I lick Sasuka's hand he has an anime vain while the rest have a sweat drop.

Kakashi starts to question Tazuna about what the mission should really be ranked. Once they finished talking about that there is a slience so I decide to sing Fail. (Look on youtube for turn. Type in HD| Nightcore - Fail [Get Scared])

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