My birthday

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Photo on side of team 7.

I sit down on my comfy red chair and start to fall asleep. Then I hear a knock at the door. I ignore it at first. It gets louder and louder, so I storm to the door grabbing a bucket full of freezing cold water. I swing open the door and through the water over the person. I look at the drenched, shivering person with apologetic eyes. The person I threw water over was Naruto. I question, "What do you want?" in a grouchy voice.

"W-w-well I-I-I w-w-want t-to k-know w-w-what t-time we h-h-had to be t-there?" Naruto says while shivering. I quickly pull him inside and grab a towel to cover him up. Then I set him in front of the fire.

"We have to be there at 5am don't bother getting there straight away because I could sence that Kakashi Snesei will be late. Do you want to know anything else?" I say while a fake smile is put on my face.

"Well, I saw what you did to those guys before introducing yourself. Why did they hide to listen in?" Naruto questions while looking like he is warming up.

"There is a new group which are my fan boys. They apparently like girls that have a lot of power and apparently I'm one of those girls." I say while looking down to the floor. Then I notice a piece of paper on the floor with my name on it. I pick it up and look inside of it. It's from my mum it says:

Dear sweet Arata,

        Happy eleventh birthday. Today we will be doing what you want to do. This is very special day for you because you have graduated and hopefully pasted the second test. I found out that you're in team 7, with Kakashi. He is very strict. On your birthday I know he would say don't eat breakfast but it's only a trick. You're smart so you should have figured it out. On this day there is presents hidden around the house for you to find. Also, for a surprice your dad should come home for a day. I asked the Hokaga to allow it and he said it's fine to do that I hope it's a lovely surprise.

Lots of love,


Once I read the letter tears start to fall down my face. There are too many emotions going on all at once, love, hate, regret and many more. I look towards Naruto and he could see it's personal so he leaves. I thank him for leaving me I tell him I need to think. For the rest of the day I lay down on my bed hugging the letter and thinking about what my mum done for me.

Four o'clock I get out of my bed and start to find my presents. I don't feel like celebrating my birthday anymore, my heart is too broken. To make it quicker I use my byakugan, it takes me ten minuets. In total I have ten presents. I unwrap them and look at them with shock they're all of the things I wanted in my life, apart from my family. There is kunais with the word death on them, a book on keki genkis and many other things. I decide to pack them for our day of training.

Once I pack everything and got changed into my ninja outfit; purple cropped trousers under my knee, the rest of my legs covered in netting. A short sleeved top just above my belly button, netting covering my arms. My hair tied up with a black bow and my head band around my head.

 Next I make myself breakfast which is porage with straberries. Then I start to wlk out to my garden to start training. As I start to train its 5:15. So I decide to train for a hour then go to the meeting place.

Half way through my training I feel a pain rush through me again. Once it stops I concentrate to find out what release I have got now. After a while of figuring it out, I make a wooden box appear in front of me. So I have got wood release now. Once I found out it's time to go to the meeting place I start to head out of my house. I pick up my entire ninja things, including my presents as I leave. I don't bother teleporting there because Kakashi Sensei wouldn't be there on time.

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