Room of Requirement and Malfoy Manor

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We were in a room entitled: Room of Requirement.

"Fred,"Kyle announced."Look out for Death Eaters.

We split into two group. I was with Kyle, Phillip, and Sinead.

"Lumos,"we said, lighting up the tips of our wands.

We walked around for a while. Until something or someone caught my eye, to the left of me. It was a small movement by a desk. Like a foot scraping the wood floor.

"Guys,"I whispered,"9:00."

They turned to their lefts.

I slowly approached the desk, and said,"Expulso!"

The desk exploded, revealing a Death Eater.

We start yelling spells.

The Death Eater cries out, and half it's face is filled with boils.

"Okay,"I said, when our enemy was done,"Who the devil put boils on his face?"

"Meee!"Sinead replied, laughing,"No ragrets."

Then the scene changed.

We were on the battlefield, with Tonks, Lupin, and Lavender. We unleashed a volley of spells and hexes from every direction.

"Sectumsempra!"Alexander cried, pointing her wand at a Death Eater trying to kill Lavender.

His ear falls off, like Fred's, and I yell,"Protego!"just as another Death Eater appeared, shooting a red light at me.

We fight along with the other students, killing as many Death Eaters and monsters as much as possible.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!"Elizabeth screamed. I look at who she was trying to kill, and I see her pointing her wand at Voldemort.

He looked the same as the movies, except this was real and more vivid and he looked a hundred times as more scary.

Voldemort dodges it, and Elizabeth shouted,"Finite Incantatum! Levicorpus!"

And the scene changes.

Malfoy Manor. We look for Bellatrix, because she'll throw the knife meant to kill Harry and instead killed Dobby.

We rush into a room, where Bellatrix will torture Hermione.

"Do you think Expelliarmus works on a knife?"Cassidy inquired.

"You can try,"James replied."Me, Kyle, Alex, and Phillip will go scout for Harry and Ron."

"Kay,"I said. They left.

Suddenly, Draco came in.

We couldn't think of a spell to do on him.

Elizabeth had different ideas."You're super hot, Draco, but I have to do this,"she muttered under her breath. And barely above a whisper she said,"Petrificus Totalus!"

Draco went half rigid, and Cassidy and Sinead pulled him into a corner, to hide him behind a desk.

Draco's eyes widened, and I told him to shut up.

"Okay,"I said to Draco,"You can be quiet, right?"

He nods. I cured him, and he glared at us.

"I don't appreciate being a prisoner in my own house,"he grumbled,"But I need your help.

We listen.

"I'm trying to get Harry and Ron and Hermione out of here,"he said quietly,"I don't want them to get hurt. I'm not sure I want to be a a Death Eater anymore. I'm tired of killing people."

"Well Harry and Ron are already taken care of by our four other friends,"Cassidy said,"And also Hermione is going to be taken here by Bellatrix, so if you could hide better, that'd be great."

She had a point. We were all squeezed behind the door and desks, and Draco's prominent looking blonde hair was very visible.

"Should we lock the door?"Draco questions.

"No, you dimwit,"Sinead replied,"We'll let them in so we can attack and save Hermione."

"Well I'm sorry, Ravenclaw,"Draco snapped.

We hear footsteps coming toward the door, and quiet down. The door opens, revealing a gaunt Bellatrix and a pale Hermione.

Draco looks petrified.

Then we attack. Sinead, Draco, Cassidy, and I yell curses and spells. Elizabeth treacherously goes in and scissor kicks Bellatrix's silver knife out of her steely grip, and lands a devastating blow onto her temple, knocking her out in her already bad state.

Cassidy pulls Hermione away.

Dobby drops the chandelier on Bellatrix's head, and the seven of us scurry out.

"That was amazing,"Draco said, laughing. He looked much younger and less fatigued when he had a huge smile on his face.

"We aren't done yet,"I told him seriously.

"Hermione needs help,"Cassidy said, scared."She's really pale."

"Where's the safest room?"Sinead asked Draco.

He leads us to a small room with a bed, desks, and potions.

Cassidy and I put and unconscious Hermione on the bed.

Sinead guards.

Draco locks the door, and said,"Colloportus." Just in case.

"Rennervate,"Elizabeth whispered. Hermione woke up groggily staring up at us.

"Where am I?"she asked woozily.

"We're still in the manor,"I answered gently."Harry and Ron are being saved by our friends."

"Which potion gives energy?"Elizabeth asked Draco.

"Um, I think the indigo one does,"he replied, and grabbed a vial of sparkling liquid.

"Drink this,"I said, feeding her the potion.

Her eyes suddenly became alert and she shot up.

"Someone's coming!"Sinead announced.

We quieted down.

"They aren't in the other room,"a familiar deep voice worriedly said. Kyle.

Sinead sensed the voice too and opened the door.

Our friends, Ron and Harry were there. We hugged and relief washed over the room.

"What's he doing here?"Ron asked suddenly, pointing at Draco.

"He's on our side now,"Hermione said, holding Ron's hand.

"Romione!!"Cassidy squealed, and my friends and I fangirled/fanboyed.

And we all Disaparrated to Shell Cottage in one piece.

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