Insurgent and Allegiant

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We're at the roof with Tris and Christina, who are there trying to save Hector, Marlene, and a girl, that were all jumping off a roof under the simulation.

The girl and Hector were safe, caught by Christina and Tris.

We launch for Marlene, who was the heaviest. I grab her hand. Her weight pulls me down. I shut my eyes, waiting to plummet to my death. But a hand grabs my ankle. Kyle. Behind him was Cassidy, then all my friends heaving us up.

"Just let me go!"Marlene cries, her grip on my wrist weakening."All of you aren't worth my life."

"Never!"I say.

With a final heave, the weight of me and Marlene go back to the roof.

Marlene hugs all of us fiercely, and we all go to to the cafeteria.

Then the second time lapse comes. We float yet again, and appear in the Erudite Headquarters. Lynn is on a bed, shot in the stomach. Cassidy shoots her with anesthesia and does her eyebrow plucking technique, puts goss onto her wound, and Lynn passes out.

"She'll wake up in a week,"Cassidy concludes.

Then we have the third time lapse. We appear in the Bureau of Genetic Welfare. My friends and I wear security guard uniforms and lab coats.

I realize this is where Uriah is going to be bombed. I tell my friends, who are ready to tackle him out of the way.

Then I see a figure walking. It's him, I think.

James and Phillip are sprinting towards him, and shove him backwards. They're all out of harm's way.

Then the wall explodes.

When the dust clears, Uriah is thanking us for saving his life.

Then the fourth time lapse.

We are still in uniform, and Tris is rushing past us.

We follow her. I find lumps in my pockets and find that they are guns and bombs. I throw one behind me, and our pursuers are gone.

Tris throws hers at the wall, and it explodes."This isn't safe for you guys,"she says.

"Nothing's safe anymore,"Cassidy replies.

"David will be on the other side, ready to kill us,"I inform Tris."Be ready to take him down."

Elizabeth, with the best aim, throws her bomb onto the door leading us to David.

We sprint there before the poison smoke comes in.

Kyle shoots David in the head before any of us could exhale from running so fast.

Tris shuts everything down.

Tears pop into my eyes when I think of how ruthlessly Veronica Roth killed Tris in an instant, and how sad her friends and Tobias were. How Christina just broke down, not believing that her best friend was dead, and how Tobias was heartbroken and devastated for weeks, and how he wanted to erase his memory because the sadness was unbearable.

But we saved her, and that's all that matters.

When we get back to the craft, a new video pops up.

Two years later in the world of Divergent.

Christina, Will, Peter, Uriah, Marlene, Lynn, Tris, and Tobias are together. They are zip lining, laughing, and being Dauntless.

This brings tears to our eyes and cries of FOURTRIS AND WILLSTINA BABIES!!!!

Then Kyle types in our next destination: Kronos' Ship, Andromeda, Percy Jackson.

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