The French Revolution Time Period

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Flash Forward a month later.

My friends and I have constructed the world's most amazing craft-in my opinion.

But indeed it was beautiful. The craft was painted a regal blue, with black intense words painted courtesy to Cassidy: Fandom Savors

It was shaped as an oval, like the blueprint. The door operated by a touch of any of our hands. The windows were tinted so much, it was impossible to look inside from the outside. But inside, you could see clearly whatever was outside. In the vehicle, there were velvety brown chairs, that morphed into beds with a single touch. On the roof were compartments. Filled with food and clothing.

We step inside, and take our seats.

I type in the computer: Les Miserables

Our first stop.

It was a weird feeling. Like we were floating. I grab onto my chair, and my friends are doing the same. I realize we are really levitating.

"Wingardium Leviosa much?"James mutters.

We get used to it after a few minutes. We just floated aimless my inside of the craft.

I peered out the window. Just bright things flying by, like stars. Rather beautiful, honestly.

"How many more minutes?"Kyle asked.

I check the monitor, which read: Landing Time: In 10 seconds."Now actually."

As if on cue, we dropped right back into our seats.

"That was so fun!"Alexander exclaimed.

We nod in agreement.

We land gently with a soft thump onto a building named:Cafè Musain.

"We're in Paris!"Cassidy cried.

"And look at our clothes!"Phillip added, gesturing.

I looked down. I was in a white dress, with a red vest. My friends wore the same, except the boys wore pants. Our vests were the only thing that wasn't old fashioned. We had guns, black ones. And bullets.

"And our hair!"Sinead says.

I look in a mirror, and see. My blonde hair is curled. I never curled my hair. My ponytail was gone, which was just on my wrist a few minutes ago. Instead I have a gold bracelet.

"There are 9 extra guns here,"Elizabeth noted. She was standing on James' shoulders, who gave her a boost."And there are 9 members of the Les Amis De I'ABC!"

She quickly takes them out and we head out into the streets of Paris, and into Cafè Musian.

Phillip opens the door, and a bunch of boys inside look at us.

They speak French, which I wouldn't have understood. But somehow I did, and my friends and I spoke back to them in the same foreign language as if it was English.

"What are you doing here?!"Enjolras roared."You aren't part of this. Are you part of the government?"

"God, Enj,"Combeferre snapped,"Take it easy on them. If they were from the government, we'd be in prison already!"

"Yeah, he's right,"I replied,"We're here to fight with you."

We introduce ourselves, and so do they.

"And we have things for you,"Alexander said.

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