The Two Battles

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The soldiers are strong, but no match for us. The fandom vehicle seems to be giving us power and shields, because we felt strong the whole time, and every bullet to come near us quickly backfired.

And we shot every bullet precisely, as if our aim were an expert's. But we haven't held a gun once in our life, and haven't shot anything so perfect.

Soon, they were defeated. The battle had lasted till nightfall.

"There'll be more tomorrow,"Jehan told us.

So we wait.

"Coufeyrac,"Enjolras said,"Take the watch."

And we sleep.

The sound of shooting wakes us. The vehicle is giving us the advantages again. There were more soldiers.

Then I saw something bad. Terrible.

Gavroche was climbing the barricade. I was bolting toward him, but Elizabeth got there first. She grabbed Gavroche's ankle, and jerked him back down.

He had a wound on his arm.

Elizabeth and I go back to the vehicle to tend to him.

"We need a doctor!"I screamed.

Joly comes over.

"No, a REAL doctor,"Elizabeth snapped. Joly left, arms up in mock surrender. Elizabeth turned to the battle, and yelled,"CASSIDY, GET OVER HERE!"

"Cassidy isn't a doctor!"I said.

"She's the best at makeup,"Elizabeth replies."Expert eyebrow plucker. I figure she'd be able to get a bullet out of him."

I haven't thought of that."Elizabeth, thank god I picked someone smart on the team."

She grins, and shot back,"And thank god we have a real leader that actually leads on our team."

Cassidy comes over, immediately puts anesthesia on Gavroche, and plucks a bloody bullet out, with a triumphant smile.

"Good job, Cassidy,"I praised.

"It's nothing but a misplaced eyebrow hair,"she replied, trying to hide her pride. We leave Gavroche to Joly, who takes care of him.

We join the fight again. This time, we decide to put the tank to use. We scale the deadly weapon.

"LOOK OUT!"I yell at the revolution. They see we are trying to shoot the towering tank, and they back off into safety behind us. The soldiers think we're surrendering, which puts smirks to their faces. The leader yells,"Come out, weak boy-"

Elizabeth shoots right when Cassidy screamed,"NOW!"

The bullets fly out, destroying the other side completely. And also collapsing the barricade. I thought we were done for, furniture raining down, but the power of the fandom craft protects us yet again. The barricade falls the other direction, killing our enemies for all good.

"We surrender!"yells a man still standing.

France is free.

When we get back to the craft, we get a video of Paris a few years later.

The king is kinder and fairer, so all of France is equal.

That's all we need to know.

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