"How Could You?!" || Taehyung/V || « part one »

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(A/n: M/n's outfit is up above. Thank you all so much for 15k reads, it means a lot to me! I hope you all enjoy and have a wonderful day/night! ☀️🌈💕✨)

Requested by: @Cassielathlin103

M/N's P.O.V

I walked up the apartment stairs, perfectly content and in my own little world until, I reached my apartment door.

The feeling of uneasiness suddenly coming over me, telling me I would regret opening the door.
'Why?' I inquired. The feeling of uneasiness seemed to grow, the closer I got to my apartment. Pushing the feeling aside, I slipped my hand into my gray sweater pocket and pulled my apartment keys.

My hands were slightly shaking as excitement filled me, happy that I would get to see Taehyung again, but I still felt that uneasiness.
'Why? What will happen when I open this door?' I asked myself, but, of course, I didn't get a reply.

Shaking my head slightly try to get rid of those unneeded thoughts as I opened the door. I quickly grabbed my keys, placing them in the key bowl near the door. I excepted all the lights to be on, or at least him greeting me at the door.
'Maybe, he's just tried? Yeah, that's it.' I thought, agreeing with myself.

He had been away for the last four months on tour, so it would be understandable for him to be exhausted. We had texted and called each other a few times since I knew he was extremely busy. So, I didn't take personally when he didn't message or call me. But I couldn't help... I felt like a blanket of loneliness had been wrapped around me and it wasn't going to let me go until I was in his arms, once again.

I slowly took my shoes off, laying them down next to another pair of shoes.
'Funny... I've never seen those here before. Maybe, he got a new pair of shoes while he was away?' I stated, looking at the brown dress shoes. I spoke the thought from my head, replacing it with the thought of him being home once again.
"Taehyung, sweetie, I'm home!" I happily called out, but I didn't get a reply.

Sighing softly, I ran a hand through my (h/c) hair as ideas and thoughts sped through my head.
"I guess I'll make dinner. He must be hungry." I spoke aloud as I walked towards the kitchen.
I grabbed my (f/c) apron, slipping it over my head before tying the strings around my waist. I smiled happily, thinking about all the dinner Taehyung and I had shared together.

'I hope things go back to the way the used to be.' I wished, grabbing two plates from the cupboard along with two cups, as well.
"Maybe, I could make bibimbap, it's always been his favorite." I smiled, setting up the table before walking back over to the stove.
*Time skip because I don't want to describe how to make Bibimbap! 🍲🍛*
Smiling at my work, placing the steaming hot food down on the white dinner plates.
"Taehyung, dinner is ready!" I called out, still getting no response. "He must've been really tired." I giggled, beginning to walk down the halls to our bedroom.

As I got closer, I heard noises coming from the bedroom.
"Taehyung?" I questioned, scowling turning the doorknob. I opened the door all the way, only to see another man in my bed with Taehyung. They were only cuddling in our bed. I couldn't see the man's face, but his dark brown hair made me realize, I don't know this man.

'Was I not good enough? What does this man have that's better than me? Did I do something wrong?' These thoughts swarmed my head, repeating themselves over and over again
"T-Tae?" I asked, tears forming in my eyes.
"What?!" He asked, his deep voice filled with annoyance and anger as he sat up.
"W-Who's that?" I asked, knowing full well that he had cheated on me...
"No one, go away." He coldly answered, laying back down. He wouldn't even look at me...

He snuggled up closer to the random man, cuddling close to him. That's when my heart shattered, it felt like I was walking in broken glass. Each move I made hurt, but I had to keep moving.

"Oh... Well, since I'm not good enough for you, dinner's on the table, I'm not hungry anymore. But, when you're done eating with your new boyfriend, I want you gone, along with everything you own, as well, when I came back in three days." I calmly spoke, my voice threading to crack as tears fell down my cheeks.
"W-What?!" He asked, his voice returning to his normally deep voice.

He quickly sat up from the bed, looking over at me.
"A-Are you crying?" He asked, panic and guilt filling his voice.
"No, my eyes are sweating." I coldly spoke, my voice cracking as I began to sob.

"(M/n), I'm so sorry. It's a prank, that's just Jungkook, we didn't do anything, I swear. I'm so sorry! We just wanted to get you back for that one little prank you did before we left for tour. I'm sorry!" He quickly stated, trying to get closer to me, but I quickly backed away.
"D-Don't t-t-touch me..." I muttered, starting to hyperventilate as I stood up. "My... My pra-prank wasn't eve-even thi-is m-m-mean!" My chest heaved as it slowly started to become difficult to breathe or even say anything properly.

"I-I-I..." I stuttered, looking back one last time before running away towards the front door. I couldn't take it anymore, I need some fresh air.
"Wh-Why?..." I asked the silence as I slammed open the door and running down the hallway.

Tears continued to fall down my cheeks, they never seemed to stop.
"(M/n)!" They yelled, their voices getting farther away as I ran, my vision completely blurry as I reached the stairs.

(A/n: Don't worry, there will be a second part! I hope you all enjoyed! ☀️✨💛)

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