Chapter 1

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Samantha watched as her group got on their knees. She couldn't do anything thing but watch there was way too many people. She watched as someone opened a truck door and grabbed somebody.

Once she saw who it was she had to keep herself from running to him. She payed close attention what he wad wearing. He was wearing what looked like a ripped cloth sack around his shoulders.

She gripped the tree clawing her nails into it. She saw her dad and Rick look around for her then at Abraham. He shook his head tell them he doesn't know where she was. She looked down then back up as everybody went quite.

She saw a man walk up to the RV. And knock on it. She saw the RV door swing open and a man walked out with a bat on his shoulder. He paused them smiled.

"Pissing our pants yet?" he started to walk toward the group. "Boy do I have a feeling we are close." He walked to Eugene then to the middle saying. "Yep, it's gonna be pee pee city here real soon."

He looked at the whole group and pointed. "Which one of you pricks is the leader?"

"It's this one, he's the guy." he said pointing to Rick.

He walked up to Rick. "Hi you're Rick right? I'm Negan and I do not appreciate you killing my men. Also when I sent my people to kill your people for killing my people you killed more of my people. Not cool. You have..... no idea how not cool that shit is but i think you're gonna be up to speed shortly."

He looked Rick in the eyes then away. " are so gonna regret crossing me in a few minutes." he smiled at rick. "Yes you are. You see Rick what ever you do, no matter what, you don't mess with the new world order. The new world order is this and its really very simple. Even if your stupid which you very may well be. You can understand it. You ready? Here is goes pay attention."

He grabbed his bat and put it to Ricks face. "Gimme you're shit, or I will kill you. He paused then smiled some of his people laughed. Sam let go of the tree and walked to the side with Abraham.

"Today was career day. We invested a lot so you could know who I am and what I can do" he stopped walking and pointed to Rick. "You work for me now your shit you give it to me that's your job. Now i know that is a mighty big nasty pill to swallow. But swallow it you most certainly." he said pointing to Rick.

"You ruled the rust. You.........built something. You thought you were safe i get it, but....the word is out. You..... Are not safe not even close in fact you are pegged. And more pegged if you don't do what I want and what i want is half you shit, and if that's too much you can make find or steal more and it will even out sooner or later. This is your life now. The more you fight back the harder it will be. So if someone comes to your door you fucking let us in we own that fucking door. You try to fucking stop us we will knock that fucker down."

He walked up to Rick."You understand?" he cupped his hand to his ear and leaned forward."What no answer. You don't really think you gonna get through this with out being punished now did you?"

Rick looked down at the last sentence. "I don't wanna kill you people just wanna make that clear from the get go. He pointed his back at everyone."I want you to work for me, and you can't do that if you're fucking dead now can you." he paused and looked at everyone. "I'm not growing a garden but you killed my people a whole fucking damn shit load of them. More than I'm comfortable with and for that well for that you gotta fucking pay."

He paused once more."And now I am going to bet the holy fuck fucking fuckety fuck outta one of you." he looked at Maggie."JeSUS you look fucking shity. Lets just put you outta your misery right now."

Samantha and Glenn snapped at that point. Him and Samantha both screamed no at the top of their lugs. Negan looked at Glenn then into the woods telling a couple of his men to go look. Samantha tried to run but was quickly stopped a hand grabbing her hair hard causing her to scream out. He dragged her toward the group and Negan by her hair. He through her in front of Negan. He bent down towards her.

"Where you here the entire time?" he said smiling at her. All she did was look at him. The guy that dragged her kicked her in her ribs causing her to gasp out in pain and fall to the ground. Negan stood up quick to the man.

"Now why in the HELL did you do that?" the man cowards in fear. "S-she didn't answer you sir." Negan growled at his excuse. "Does it look like I give a damn that she didn't answer me." the man looked down. "N-no si-." he didn't get to finish before he was struck in the head with his bat. "OK princess i want you on your knees by the RV." she just looked at him once more. He called another one of his men to get her.

"Now where were we? Ohh and you." he pointed to Glenn."Nope nope get him back in line. I will not have that shit because I will SHUT THAT SHIT DOWN. But I wanna get started." he walked around looking at everyone. But he stopped and looked at me then back to my group. "Hmmmm I simply can't decide. Ah I have an idea."

He laughed then walked to Rick then the rest of the group saying the eni mei mini mo game. Then walked to the middle. He looked around at the group. Samantha saw his eyes land on Abraham. He walked up to him pointing his bat at him. "It. Anybody moves anybody says anything cut the boys other eye out and feed it to his father and then we'll start. You can breath, you can blink, you can cry." he said the last part looking at her with a sad face then turned around. "Hell you're all gonna be doing that." he said as he drew his bat up and hitting Abraham.

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