Chapter 6

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"Whoa whoa whoa whoa I'm not leaving you here."

Sam looked into Negan's eyes but turned around.

"I'll be fine I'm my father's daughter after all. But I don't really know about you so you can go."

"Sir we need to go now."

Samantha and Negan locked eyes as for what seemed like forever. Finally he spoke.

"Alright I'm gonna trust you that you'll survive. I better see you next time."

She watched them run off into the truck and drive off. She finally heard the herd coming from the forest after a few minutes of standing there. She stood there until they started to knock the rest of the gate down. She ran and hid her bike under dead bodies before running to an abandoned car and getting in and locking the doors. She sat in the passengers side watching the walkers come closer to the car and try to get in. She grabbed her water bottle from her water holder on her leg and looked at it, barely any water. Maybe a sip or two. Two days go by, she drunk all her water. No food. She had nothing to cover up the windows with so some of the walkers were still at it. She opened her eyes in fear she might not wake up if she sleeps. Her eyelids got heavier and heavier by the second. Once she closed her eyes once more she heard a familiar laugh in the car. She opened her eyes slowly.

"Heeey she's finally awake. See guys she's awake."

She stared in shock at who she was looking at. She felt her eye began to water and her bottom lip start to quiver.

"Hey baby girl don't you start to cry now. That's not the tuff girl I know."

She began to sob.

"Hey now."

"Your not really here. Your dead."

"I know I know but I'm here right now that's all that matters right now."

She started to swing at him but he didn't flinch.


"It happens sweet heart."


"Hush now. Have a drink with your Uncle Merle. Here."

He handed her the bottle of copper colored whiskey. She's done this multiple times with her dad and uncle one time with them both there. She grabbed the bottle and took a large gulp of it.

"Damn still a heavy drinker I see. Heh you get that from your old Merle."

"You think so."

She said sounding like a statement rather than a question.

"Ohh sweetheart I know so."

They both began to laugh.

"You know Uncle Merle your an asshole."

"Sweets I know i'm an asshole and I'm proud of where I got some of it from."

"Good I guess."

"You guess."


Both of them sat in silence for what seemed like hours.

"I better be off little one."

She looked at him in horror and sadness.


"I'm sorry kid but I gotta go."


"You've grown so much. Only if I could have been there to see it. Like I said it's time for me to go. I love you Suger."

He leaned in kissing her forehead then smiling. He patted shoulder. And opened the door to no walkers.

"Oh yea that Negan guy, I want you to keep him close, I think you two will get along just fine kid. Even if your daddy don't like it ok."

She saw a bright light go through her vision. She opened her eyes realizing that she was dreaming or hallucinating. She felt arms around her body and someone yelling. She couldn't really tell who it was. Her eyes were still adjusting to the light. She could barely hear anything.



"Give her to me go help him."


She felt big rough hands grab a hold of her and start to job towards the vehicle.

"Jesus Sam what were you thinking coming here on your own?"

"I thoug-ght maybe there was food s-still here we could use."

He placed her into the back seat putting her into a comfortable position. She felt the trunk of the car open and something heavy put into it. At this point she was in and out of consciousness. It felt like forever before she felt someone jump in beside her legs.

"Is she alright?"

"I don't know."

"Jesus she looks like shit."

"She's burning up Rick I want you to turn the air on full blast. Samantha can you hear me sweety?"

She felt someone shaking her but didn't really respond.

"Sam when's the last time you had water?"


"Jesus Rick where's the water at?"

"Look in the bag in the bag floor boards."

She felt sadness take over her. Anger. She felt scared. All of this emotions going through her at one time. She did even know she was talking to herself.

"What is she saying?"

"Samantha are you ok?"

"Uncle Merle?"

Michonne looked at Rick in the drives seat with worry written over her face. He looked at her then to Sam with pitty.


"Her Uncle he died a few years ago. Ok Aaron I need you to hood her up and open her mouth for me."

"We should take her to the Hill Top."

"No we can't risk the Savior's finding her. I can't lose her. I can't lose anyone else."

Once he got her into a position to pour the water into her mouth without it choking her she started to pour carefully not to pour too much. Rick looked back for a split second. He hasn't seen her like this in years. A couple hours pass before they get to Alexandra.

Eugene opened the gates but was quickly stopped halfway as Rick sped by and stopped in the middle of the drive way. He quickly got out along with Michonne and Aaron. He quickly opened her back door and picked her up.

"Eugene go get Olivia."

"Yes sir."

He quickly ran to his house and laid her on the floor. He placed his head on her chest. His eyes widened to barely hear a heart beat.

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