Chapter 9

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Enid and Carl hid in the bushes a few ways down watching as the Savior's looted the Hilltop. Carl just stared at them, with so much hate. Enid looked at him.

"I don't think Negan's here I don't see that black truck."

It was quiet for a few seconds before she spoke.

"You weren't just taking a where coming to get me."

Carl stayed quiet as he spotted Simon with his arm around Sam's shoulders pointing in directions for his men to go put the supplies.

"......I can't let them get away with this, you know I can't."

"I know."

"Come with me you wanna kill him too, we can do it."

Enid looked away quiet before looking back to Carl.

"You said's not for us. Not for Abraham, not for Glenn, not for're doing it for you.

Enid's forehead was now resting on Carl's as they looked into each other's eyes. He shook his head a little but not much to lose their contact.


"So if it all goes right...and you do do you get away?"

"It doesn't matter."

"It would to me. To Sam."

Carl took a few deep shallow breaths at her words. He leaned his head up and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. He looked lower to meets her eyes once more. He slowly leaned on to Enid's lips as they shared a sacred moment together. Once their lips parted after a couple seconds he kept his eyes closed savoring the moment. Of how she smelled and how her lips tasted.

"Please don't go. Just come with me you cant-"

"I'm just gonna go."

Enid looked at him with a sad, shock, ridden expression.

"You're lying.?"

"No....I'm not. He has Sam with him so I have no other choice but to go now."

He heard her let out a small, low, chuckle has he looked towards Samantha.

"You still shouldn't go....but I can't stop you."

He watched as she walked towards the Hilltop gates.

"I'll see you."

" won't."


"Alright sweetheart you will sit it this truck with me on the way to the Sanctuary."

Samantha was dragged by her shoulder towards the truck. When he opened the door he let go of her shoulder and grabbed her head making sure she wouldn't hit it.

"Sit right here."

She watched him slam the truck door closed and walk off. She looked towards the big white house. She saw Jesus standing on the porch looking at her. She caught his uneasy gaze and shook her head no towards him as if knowing what he was thinking.

"Now I don't want you trying anything on the drive there."

She look towards Simon with an unreadable gaze.

"Why the face? It's your lucky day. Negan's has been talking about you since the day he killed your friends."

He looked back at her after starting the truck with a small on his face. He looked around making sure no one was around watching him. When he saw no one he turned back to her.

"And frankly I've taken an interest in you too. Just more... personal."

He said while stroking her upper thigh with his hand. Samantha instantly jumped back towards the door trying to open it but failed finding it was locked.

"Hey now calm down everything's going to be fine princess no need to freak out."

He rolled down his window and gave the signal to move.

"I promise..I'll take care of you."

He looked back at her as he rolled the window back up. He put the truck into drive and drove in front of the other trucks looking back at her every now and then just to look at her. She wouldn't pay him attention, she kept looking out the window. She touched her face where her cheek was bruised.

"Don't worry about your face, we'll get that fixed for ya."

Sam nearly jumped hearing him talk to her like that. She just let her hand fall into her lap.

"Negan does talk about you a lot. About what you did at that line up we did. He says that what you did took balls. Which he's not wrong. You seem to have more balls then the your leader. What was his name uhhh Rick!"

Sam kept quiet not looking at him. He kept on talking about her and the group before he stopped and turned on a interstate. Samantha perked up seeing a factory in the distance. She sat still not wanting to draw his attention back towards her. After a few long minutes they stopped at the gates of the factory.

"Welcome to the Sanctuary." He said putting the car into park. "Stay right here and DON'T try anything."

She stayed still not looking at him. She waited for him to shut the door before she looked around the truck for something to use as a weapon. When she turned around she saw Negan and Simon walking towards her. A smile on Negan's face. She sat still when Simon opened the door. She flinched when Simon grabbed her arm tightly. She came face to chest with Negan in only two seconds. She stood there without moving for what felt like forever before she felt gloved finger on her chin lift her face to look at him. She saw Negan's smile disappear as he saw her bruised and battered face. She saw him look over her face from her cut open lip to her black eye.

"What in the hell happened to you?"

She stayed silent not answering him.

"You answer him when he talks to you girl."

She didn't move still not speaking. He looked towards Simon for answers.

"I found her like that at the Hilltop. She said she was attacked."

Negan looked back at her and dropped his fingers.

"How did she get to the Hilltop?"

"I don't know Sir they could have possibly found her while out scavenging or she came across them."

Negan nodded. He was about to speak before gunfire was heard across from them. He grabbed her arm and took Sam with him towards the commotion. He put her by the truck with Simon.

She heard him whistle. The whistle she hated so much. She cringed at him.

" are adorable." She watched him grab one of his men and put him in front of him."Did you pick that gun cause it looks cool? You toldly did right? Kid I ain't gonna lie you scare the shit outta me."

Sam saw Carl shoot another man then get tackled by Dwight. She ran towards him yanking him off of Carl but was tripped. She fell to the ground then felt pressured on her chest.


She looked up and saw a gun pointed at her. She heard the fence rattle and someone yelling. She looked back and saw her father. She felt the tears swelling in her eyes at the sight of him and how horrible he looked.

"Dwight. Back off." She felt him pull her knife out of her belt buckle. She saw Negan get between her and Carl and held his hands out. "Is that anyway to treat our new guest? Come on kids I'll show you around."

She heard her Daryl grunt and being yell to get back to work as he was thrown towards a couple of walkers. She just laid there on her elbows and forearms and looked at Carl while he looked at Negan. She waited for a response from him. To see what he would do. After a minute she got up on her own to look for her father in the crowd of chained walkers. But was pulled back by Dwight.

"I don't think so sweetheart it's time for the tour."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2019 ⏰

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