Chapter 2

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Samantha screamed in horror as he swung the bat on top of Abraham's head hitting it multiple time. Once Negan was done he stood up straight laughing.

"Did you hear that....he, he said 'suck my nuts."

He turned around laughing once more then started to hit his mushed parts of his head laying on the ground. Megan swung his bat swinging blood.

"You guys look at my dirty girl."

Samantha cried out to what she was witnessing. She got on her hands and knees and looked at her dad. Daryl knew what she was think and quickly shook his head no. She looked at the ground and started to crawl to him while sobbing.

Negan looked to her right when she got to Daryl. He walked over to them and looked at both of them.

"Is this your daddy?"

Daryl grabbed a hold of her and pull her into his chest while she sobbed. Negan grabbed Samantha by her waist and pulled her away from him. She screamed for him to let her go. Everybody in the group looked to Daryl all knowing what he does. Once Negan let her go and sat her up. He looked at her then to Abraham corpse.

"Were you two a thing or really close friends?"

He smiled and sat up putting the bat in front of her face.

"Sweet heart lay your eyes on this." Samantha looked straight ahead at her dad then to the ground. "Well damn i don't know if you two were together but there is a reason for all this. Red, hell he was is and will ever be red. He just took one or six or seven for the team." He yelled. He walked closer putting the bat to her face. "So take.... a damn.... look. TAKE A DAMN LOOK."

He heard someone move running up to him once he turned around he was met with a fist to his jaw. Samantha screamed as men ran up grabbing her father and pinning him to the ground. She saw a man point her fathers cross bow at his head and she screamed jumping forward to protect him but was pushed back by a kick to the stomach.

"NO NO oh no" he said pointing his bat to Daryl. He put the bat down and backed up laughing. "That......ohho my. THAT is a no no. NOT ONE THING NOT ONE BIT OF THAT SHIT fly's here."

"Do you want me to do it right here?" the guy with the crossbow says.

Negan grabbed Daryl's hair and pulls it back to look at him.

" you don't kill that. Not until you try a little.

The man looked at Negan hesitantly then dropped the bow and grabbed Daryl and pull him back in line. Negan looked at Samantha and picked her up and to a sitting position. He patted her head and stood.

"Anyway. That's not how it works. Now i already told you people first ones free. Then what i'd say I'D SAID THAT I'LL SHUT THAT SHIT DOWN. No exceptions." he said the last part looking at Samantha "Now i don't know what kinda lying assholes you've been dealing with.....but I'm a man of my word........first impressions are important. I need you to know me. So........back to it."

Negan slammed Lucille into Glenn's head making Samantha and Maggie scream out. Glenn struggling to sit up looked at Maggie. Negan bent over.

"Buddy you still there... I just don't know it seems like your trying to speak but you just took a hell of a hit. I just popped your skull so hard your eyeball just popped out and it is gross as shit." Negan was taughting him it made Samantha blood boil.

"Maggie I'll......I'll find you." glenn said making Samantha cry a whimper. Maggie looked down sobbing.

Negan looked at everybody with a sad face. "Ahh hell......i can see this is hard on you guys. I am sorry. I truly am but i did exceptions." Negan swung the bat hitting Glenn upside the face. Samantha sat there with her mouth wide open. She couldn't get her cries and sobs out.

She watched him bash Glenn's skull in without batting an eye to the others. "Lucille is thirsty....she is a vampire bat." he laughed at his joke. He walks over to Rick with a piece of Glenn's flesh hanging from the bat. He stopped in front of Rick.

"Why...was the joke that bad?"

There was a long pause before Rick spoke.

"I'm gonna kill you." Negan got down to Ricks height. "What. I didn't quit catch that you need to speak up."

"Not today not tomorrow but I'm gonna kill you."

"Jesus.....Simon what did he have a knife ?"

"He had a hatchet."

"Uh hatchet?"

"He had an axe."

Negan laughed "Huh Simon's my right hand man....having one of those is important i mean what do you have left without 'em. A whole lotta work. You have one? Maybe one of these fine people still breathing. Ohh or did i *thonk*" he said making a swinging motion with his hands.

Negan huffed in Ricks face. "Sure yea give me his axe."

There was a really long pause while Negan was have a contest with Rick. Negan got up and grabbed Rick by his coat. Dragging him to the RV.

"I'll be back maybe rick will be me with me. If not well we can turn these fine people inside out won't we. I mean the ones that are left." he said slamming the RV door.

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