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unknown number: Shiro....I'm sorry...I'm done......like for real this time...I want you to know I love you and I'm sorry

Lance: uhhh, this isn't Shiro. do you need help?

unknown number: Oh shit, sorry that was ment for my brother, ignore that

Lance: um, how about no, I may not know you but you're worrying me. I'm here of you want to talk

Read 3:49 am

Lance: hey, dude or girl, idk you ok?
Lance: hello
Lance: please be alive
Lance: are you there?
Lance: please be ok

Unknown number: I'm here, and im fine, but I must ask why does it concern you?

Lance: Because you texted me with a suicide note

Unknown number: *that wasn't meant for you

Lance: doesnt matter if it was ment for me or not, I got it and now I'm worried

Unknown number: don't be, I'm fine

Lance: But I don't think you are

Unknown number: well I am, and I have to go, have fun with whatever you where doing before this

Lance: alright good night

Unknown number: night

hey guys I have a new story, this i will be updating very frequently cause it's such an easy story line to go off of. So these are gonna be short but it's because they are texts so yeah, and this is gonna be the only A/N in the story just so I can give you all a filler as to what this story is about so yeah, here it is hope y'all like it and with that have a great day


Text you later/Klance texting AUWhere stories live. Discover now