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Sorry this took so long to get out, I really am but before I go to give you all excuses I want to say thank you for 1k votes that's amazing. So the reason it's taking longer and longer for the chapters to get out, is simply I'm worried about school bullcrap. We've got tests left and right that I CANT fail. So I'm very sorry for the delay in these but thank you all for being patient.

Keith walked out of the room to let Lance have some privacy. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bag. In this bag were simple things, a pencil, small sketch pad, erasers, and a journal. The journal was given to him by his therapist, she wanted him to write things that didnt go well that day down. It was a way for him to get his troubles down without him needing to actually speak. That was one of the problems Keith had at his therapy sessions, he just didn't like to talk. As he was rummaging through the bag to find the journal, Shiro walked in. "You about ready to go?" He asked peering over the small males shoulder. "Yeah...just, gotta grab this." He spoke quietly. "Alright, well it's almost time to go I'm gonna get into the car." Shiro said as he walked away.

Keith grabbed what he needed and walked back to his room. He reached to the door and knocked. "You ready?" "Yeah I'm comming." Lance said as he walked to the door and opened it. "Do you need anything before we leave?" Keith asked. "I would say let me grab my jacket but I didnt bring it so I guess not." "Here." Keith walked into his room and grabbed his red hoodie handing it to Lance. "Oh, thank you."  Lance quickly put it on and walked to the car with Keith. (I dont know why I actually put in the fact that Keith had an appointment, it doesn't really add to the story until later and its causing me problems now so let's skip it)

Time skip to end of appointment

The three males walked back to the car sitting in it. Shiro in the driver's seat and the other two in he back. (Also, Adam left and went back home cause that boys got thing to do) "Well since we're out, why dont we go out to eat, there should be something out here." "Why not that pizza place you told me about Keith." Lance asked. "It seems dirty as shit in there, it cant be good." "Hey language." Shiro turned to face Keith. "English." Keith smiled "smart ass." Shiro whispered. "Anyway, it might be good, I mean compared to that other place anything its probably good." (We all know what hes talking about smh) "Yeah you have a point."

Shiro began driving, the other boys just keeping a comfortable silence.

A/N: so I wanted to get something out and started so I could finish it later, sorry this isn't the full chapter I've been having a really hard time writing lately, dont know why. If theres any mistakes please tell me, its 4:15 while I'm writing this and the only reason I'm writing is because I woke up do to a nightmare and didnt want to go back to sleep. Oof. I'll be writing the rest of the chapter tomorrow morning, so thank you all for being patient.

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