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Keith: hey you up?
Keith: If not that's fine I'll text you later then

Sent 2:42 am

Opened 8:36 am

Lance: hey dude, What's up

Keith: oh uh nothing much, your self?

Lance: same just sitting in my living room, bored as all hell

Keith: oh I see
Keith: hey I have a question

Lance: Yeah?

Keith: What would you do if out of the blue you just started hearing voices?

Lance: shit, dude you ok?

Keith: yeah I think so, I'm just scared to tell my brother

Lance: Why would you be scared?

Keith: I don't know, I just am

Lance: well tell him over text might be easier

Keith: I'm in the same room as him

Lance: Soooooo?

Keith: So, I'm not gonna text someone that's in the same room as me

Lance: Oh, ok well just go tell him

(Into the real world)

Keith stood up, getting out of his seat and walked over to his brother Shiro, who at the moment was poring coffee. "Uh, good morning shiro." Keith said, but it came out as more of a question.

"Oh hey whats up?." Shiro asked taking a sip of his freshly poured drink. "Uh, can I tell you something?" Keith said, fidgeting with the string in his hoodie. "Yeah of course." Shiro said now looking at his phone. "So, um I've kinda been hearing voices in my head and I'm getting really scared."

Keith spoke very quickly, but shiro under stood it all. "OH, OKAY." Shiro said trying to keep his cool but failing. "Is it even that bad?" Keith asked almost offended by Shiro's reaction. "Sorry, I just....wasn't expecting that, I mean at one point yes, but not right here right now." "WAIT WHAT." Keith asked.

"Yeah I kinda saw this coming." Shiro said giving him a sympathetic look. "what should I do." "Keith, I can schedule you an appointment with that one doctor that you don't hate, you said she was nice, right?" "Oh, doctor allura? Yeah, that would be nice, thanks Shiro."

"Anything for my favorite little brother." "You say I'm your favorite, but I'm your only brother." Keith said smirking. "Well, I mean I'm telling the truth you are my favorite. You just so happen to be the only one as well." Shiro said walking away. Keith sat back on the couch with a smile. He turned on his phone.

13 unread messages

Lance: you got this
Lance: you did it yet?
Lance: hello?
Lance: ???

Lance: you ok?
Lance: hey, dude you there?
Lance: Keith?
Lance: keeeeeiiiith

Lance: hey come on, you there?
Lance: you ok?
Lance: hellllooooooo

Lance: yo, boi were you at?
Lance: My dude why you despairing

Keith: sorry, I'm back I was talking with my brother

Lance: oh I'm just glad you're back on I was very lonely

(my phone auto corrected lonely to kinky I'm dead 😂, lance was getting kinky Keith, you'd better hurry)

Keith: oh, well I'm back, so what's up?

Lance: The sky

Keith: not what I meant

Lance: i know, but I don't care

Keith: well I'm gonna go now BYE

Lance: what nooo don't leave me

Keith: sorry bye

Lance: fine, if you have to, bye

So, I'm going through and editing all these chapters and I hate myself. This story is so cringy I dont understand why people read this Oof


Text you later/Klance texting AUWhere stories live. Discover now