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He thought he had the upper hand, yet here he was. Being invited to a wedding involving the leader of the kingdom he fought with most and the princess he had hoped to betrothe.

So, as any leader would do, he called a meeting with all of his best warriors. And when he called, he received a group of odd, yet powerful individuals who were ready to fight. They were: Warrior Stan, Feldspar the Thief, Tweek the Barbarian, and 4 other goth kids.

The meeting commenced, and everyone had ideas to throw around.

"Lace the floor of the ceremony with broken glass!" Feldspar the Thief suggested.

"No! That would be too obvious! And culturally insensitive!" Cried out Warrior Stan.

"Solid idea. I'm up for it, and it's not too insensitive to me." The High Jew Elf proclaimed. "But, not my first pick. Keep throwing ideas out."

"Poison their crops!" said the youngest of the goths.

"Oh! I could cover my arrows in poison and shoot them at the Grand Wizard!" Tweek the Barbarian shouted out.

"Wait! I have an idea!" 


After 3 hours of debating and re-arranging, they finally had a plan.

1)Cause no ruckus at the ceremony.
2)Lace the princess' drink with a non-lethal poison.
3)Serve the drink to the princess
4)Wait for the poison to take effect
5)After the poison takes effect, Warrior Stan starts a sword fight with the Grand Wizard
6)Storm the festivities with fighters and start a fight with everyone in attendance
7)Whisk the princess away to the Elf Kingdom
8)Marry the Princess
9)Be seen as the ultimate kingdom

Everyone in attendance nodded in agreement. It seemed like this plan would go smoothly and the High Jew Elf would have his revenge. 

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