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The fighting raged on. The Princess, however, was not aware of this. She raised her head to try to call to the Wizard, but the battle cries muffled any other sounds. So, she stood in an effort to get his attention.

Her legs felt like jelly, and she fell backwards into the arms of the High Jew Elf.

"You're safe with me, dear Princess." he whispered in her ear as the world grew hotter and faded to black.


She woke up in a carriage of sorts. Her head lay in the lap of the High Jew Elf as the goth warriors stared her down. Bows and arrows were scattered on the floor as the carriage rocked gently on the dirt road.

As she looked up, the bright light bulb inside shone straight into her eyes, causing an intense migraine. And the world only seemed to get hotter, like the fires that raged in Hell.


When she awoke again, she was on a couch with Tweek and Feldspar on both ends, their hands intertwined behind the Princess. The room seemed to be completely silver, from the floors to the walls. A golden chandelier hung from the ceiling to provide some light. To her right, 2 red curtains were tied together with a yellow rope, obviously holding some sort of secret.

Feldspar noticed that she was conscious and went to sit her up. Tweek immediately rose from the couch, ready to grab whatever she needed to soothe her pain. Unfortunately, her stomach decided that sitting upright was not in her best interests, and she threw up all over her stunning dress.

"Great," she thought, "here I am. Kidnapped on my wedding day, and now I'm sick. Can this get any worse?"


Feldspar had the idea to move her out of the dress, and into a spare robe. He also laid her back down on the couch and had a glass of water on the end. She propped her head onto her arm in hopes of getting at least somewhat comfortable.

She was about to fall back asleep when she heard a very shrill yell from the castle entrance.


A long fight between the Grand Wizard and the High Jew Elf ended with an arrow in the back of the elf. At first, no one knew where it came from. But then, the glaring sparkles and the chocolate scent of the arrow gave it all away.

Princess Kenny was standing on the sofa with her bow and arrows in hand. Her face was flushed and her eyes were glassy, but at least she was alive. The robe had hung loosely on her small, pale frame.

"You held your own, my fair lady." the Grand Wizard retorted.

She stepped down, and while she took that last step, she had given into the growing darkness and heat as she fell into the arms of her closest ally.

"Sorry for ruining everything," she said softly.

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