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If there was anyone in Kupa Keep who was hungry for power, it was the Grand Wizard. He was known throughout the kingdom to do anything he could to get attention and power, but this didn't exactly make him popular.

However, recently, he had discovered a way to get the kingdom to really listen to him.


It was a sunny, summer's day. The garden popped with flowers in many different shades. The sun shined down on the Grand Wizard as he sat in the shade of an evergreen tree with his most trusted paladin.

"Paladin Butters. You understand what it's like to no one listen to you, correct?"

"Well, yeah. I don't have as much power as you."

"That's the thing, though. I don't have much power. I'm not... an official leader."

"Your point, sire?"

"What can I do to push myself higher?"

For the next few minutes, all that could be heard was the breeze as it blew through the leaves.

"Oh, I know! You can become the official king!" replied the paladin.

"How do I do that?"

"You have to marry a princess. Actually, doesn't Princess Kenny like you a bit?"

"She does. Are you suggesting that I marry her?"

"Do you want to become king?"


The Grand Wizard ran directly into the Princess, nearly crushing her. She was somewhat used to this, as she wasn't the most graceful of ladies herself.

After standing up and dusting herself off, she looked down to find the Wizard on one knee, holding a blue Ring Pop.

"Princess Kenny," he inquired her, "will you be the queen to my king?"

"Are you asking me to marry you?" she asked. "Well, I feel like you're only asking because you want to become king. But, I do like you."

"So," she said as she reached her hand out to accept the candy ring, "my answer is yes."

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