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The Gathering Hall filled as the day continued. Everyone was nervous and unsure, but today, their mystery would be solved.

All of Kupa Keep sat on the left of the venue, and guests from other kingdoms filled in on the right. For today, multiple kingdoms would become one in this celebration of togetherness.


It seems as though most of the royal council had made their way down the aisle. Paladin Butters stood as the Best Man for the Grand Wizard, and naturally, Wendy was to be the maid of honor. The groomsmen were all soldiers of the kingdom, yet there were no bridesmaids. And before, flowers were sprinkled down the aisle like Parmesan cheese on a plate of freshly cooked spaghetti. No one knows who did it, and the rings sat in the middle of the "altar" ready to live on the fingers of a couple bound together by greed.

A ruler from a foreign land was the first to notice the bride, and thus cued everyone to stand. It seemed that no one could look away from her.

Her blond hair, which was normally ribboned in pigtails, waved down to her shoulders, with only a crown of crimson red roses holding a thin veil over her sky blue eyes. The makeup on her face was subtle, consisting only of dusty purple eye shadow and bubblegum pink lipstick. A gold charm necklace hung down from her neck, matching a single gold bracelet on her left wrist. The white of her dress was traditional, while the lilac it faded into was not. The gloves on her hands were accented with a light grey, which let her hands stand out.

When she finally got to the "altar", she could feel the veil being lifted off of her face, and only then did she finally see the Grand Wizard and the fully decorated venue.

Token stepped out to the couple, slightly unsure of what it was he would do, yet he mustered up every last bit of courage he had to get this over with.

"Ok... alright. You can do this. Ladies and gentlemen from every kingdom, we are gathered here today to witness the union of the fair maiden, Princess Kenny and The Grand Wizard. Now, before we begin, does anyone object? Speak now or forever hold your peace."

"I object!" cried a young voice from the crowd.

"Firkle, shut the fuck up." muttered a gothic voice not too far way.

"Well, it's only one. So, majority rules. Anyways... Princess Kenny, do you take the Grand Wizard to be your unlawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." she said with no hesitation.

"And, Grand Wizard, do you take Princess Kenny to be your unlawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." he said with a devilish smirk on his face.

Scott Malkinson hurried towards them, holding the rings on a silk pillow. The Princess took the larger one, and placed it on the ring finger of the Grand Wizard, and the Grand Wizard did the same to the Princess.

She looked up to him quite happily, yet her eyes seemed sad. A somewhat opposite to the groom she was facing, who was happy all around.

No vows were exchanged, as no one had anything to say.

"So, now, by the power vested in me by this bible that was stolen from the local Roman Catholic church, I now pronounce you man and wife."

Paladin Butters came in holding 2 crowns. The Grand Wizard kneeled, and was officially crowned king, followed by the Princess, who was now officially a queen.

"If you want, you can kiss the bride, I guess."

Just so it would seem official, he took her in his arms and pecked her on the cheek. Lightly.

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