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36 hours before...


No one would expect anyone to get drunk at 7am, and since most of the inhabitants of Kupa Keep were in the 4th grade, alcohol was out of the question, so they had "sparkling fairy ale" which was actually Vitamin Water. That was enough for them, though.

At roughly 7am, a fight began to break out near The Giggling Donkey. Being that it was Sunday morning, everyone was naturally exhausted from a long night of singing, casual conversation, and getting "drunk" off of crappy rip-off water with no real nutritional value. And being this tired makes one irritable, especially when not used to such a long night.

At around 6:30 am, someone noticed that the princess, who normally joined the bard in Saturday night performances, was no where to be seen. This worried everyone, and soon, arguments began to fill the room. Not just arguments, but also accusations of someone among the crowd being a kidnapper or a spy for the Elves.

2 kids in particular, Paladin Butters and Ranger Scott Malkinson, really got into it. As the Paladin had confirmed his feelings for the maiden, and the Ranger was just in a bad mood and wanted to knock someone's lights out for some reason, it was only natural that the 2 would duke it out by the pub.


The fight only lasted 5 minutes, but it was thrilling nonetheless. It started out verbal, but as the night dragged on, Scott bodyslammed Butters, followed by Butters grabbing Scott's hair. No one really won because both of them were crying. In the end, they decided that it wasn't worth it, and Butters offered to grab a small snack for Scott.

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