Chapter 9

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A/N: Sorry for the late update, there was flood here and i couldn't type to the computer for the past days but now it is already handled but there's still water inside. Never mind that. 

Ichiro's POV

I was fighting this witch already for 5 minutes yet neither one of us has a scratch. We're just too fair when it comes to battling but her dark magic is too powerful and there's no sense if I had to use my dark side. I could sense that she'll only absorb the power but the light.

My light magic is strong when there's a strong light source but the lights here in the hallway does not count, I can only make a beam. I'll be defeated once she decided to summon more creeps on the way and if that happens I'll lose more energy and that would be my end. I need to find a way to lure for my advantage.

"Hey hey hey! Is that all you got pretty boy?" She giggled swinging here scythe that released dark magic through me.

As I slashed the dark magic with my light sword she was already in the air already about to gash me but I had her attack blocked.

"Even when you know you can't win you still fight, but don't worry I won't kill you. Like what you heard, we're only kidnapping you" I pushed her away with my blade but she floated down slowly like she had a wing behind her.

"What do you need from me?!" I questioned rushing to her with my weapon being charged by the lights to the hallway that made each bulb go explode leaving my track only shadows.

As I slashed through the thin air a huge beam of light magic destroyed the windows and walls, it directly hit her and I heard her yell. The smoke was scattered from the scattered hollow blocks but as the smoke clears I knew I failed to kill her. She was still standing over the distance with her scythe defending her with its sturdy black blade.

I knew the first one who had a scratch but I can only do that for once. I need more light source but the hallway lights are not that enough. There's an arena near here I need to lure her there.

"If you want me, come and get me" I used dark magic to her but while she was distracted with my dark arrow I had the chance to break the window beside me and jump through. "You won't get away" she laughed and followed me.

We were flying from the air with our dark magic as our vehicle like a skate board. While we were flying she kept on shooting me with her dark magic while I was just deflecting it. We passed through many crowd of citizens with them screaming and filming our fight.

"Oh look we're famous now, hi there!" she waved down.

I could see the arena from here but the light were all closed and the place is dark, I could trap her there. We both continued to travel to reach the place she doesn't know that would lead her to end.

Hayato's POV

Shit, he could just end my life in here but I can't die yet. I made the ice to the walls expand more giving me more cold air. He's just there standing, waiting for me to attack but those tattoos will give him more power just to make my move useless.

Makoto, he needs dinner tomorrow. Tsk! "Come at me you bastard!" I yelled creating more chunks of frozen ice through the thin air.

"Hah! As you wish chief" He shouted jumping out of his position with black flame covering his body turning himself to a flame like demon creature slashing all the ice coming through him.

The air from the ice could trap him. This is it I have to melt the ice to make more in his place.

I was standing still when he suddenly teleported in my front with his arm about to slice me to shred but before it happened one of my ice covered me deflecting his arm away. This is my best chance, as he was standing to the ice I made the others from the wall fell down creating mist.

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