Chapter 10

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Makoto's POV

As we faced our new enemy we had confidence and strength fierce stare at them. We were 7 against them 2 since Mirana was all unconscious already but the power of that man is more than just 2 person, we should be aware of what he is capable of doing and never underestimate even when we are high on numbers but I know we can win this just as long as we don't slip to our plans and intentions.

"Makoto, it's been a while" the man said with his deep voice flowing through my veins. I did felt a bit fear because of the confusion of what was going on in that moment he spoke of my name.

"1 month already has passed but I thought you won't have friends at all but look at you, pitiful faces of some people who in the end will break your heart" as he giggled I had a tight grip on both my clenched fist.

"Once you failed their expectations to you they'll just leave you alone and cold" he added.

As I frowned and was silent for thinking Jiro and Akihiro called me lighting up the mood.

"Makoto don't listen to him!" Aki yelled

"We'll always stay by your side, whatever happens" Jiro added

As I nodded of realizations this tough man standing to the halo's port started doing something. He created an abyssal hollowed portal to that guy I encountered 1 month ago and even Mirana, he's planning to escape?

"You won't get away!" Sumiko shouted manipulating the water that surrounds her quickly rushing to the enemy.

"Arcane magic: Flame blade" As Maeko rides the strong current of Sumiko's water, flames started hovering around her sword as it covers it making it bright fire sword.

But as they were about to hit the enemy something cancelled the attack and deflected the water away, Maeko was in danger as she was floating through the air after being blocked by the shadows that came out of nowhere.

"Tsk, cover me!" Ichiro rushed in summoning numbers of arcane circles behind him shooting light beams.

"Jiro, Makoto let's go!" Aki jumped off the water and started turning the rocks to dust. We followed him and as we run towards our enemy we gathered our magic.

"None of your plans would work! Just give up" The golden haired man raised his hand making the shadows wiggle to havoc rushing to us.

But before it hits us Aki quickly summoned a giant rock boulder in front of us covering us from the attack then Jiro quickly gathered ice spikes through the air and as we both get out from the hiding distance we quickly aimed it to our enemy.

Slashing wind and piercing sharp ice then Aki followed with spiky shaped rocks. Then I saw Ichiro and Maeko to the upper distance with their arcane magic already aimed to our enemy, the huge water coming towards him and that rare blue ice from Hayato.

All our magic heading towards he and we expected to win but something happened. The dark circle that surrounds him created a cylinder dark magic aimed to the sky making it colored purple and as it continues, blowing of horns from the sky made us cover our ears.

"The angels from the above will be the one to guide me when I judge you. Angels from the heaven's gate lend me your strength to punish the crawling humans from the dark abyss."

I heard his mutter as that dark cylinder magic slowly disappeared and as it disappears it made him a different reveal. Dark purple flame in his right side and purple crystals stretching out from his body and black rocks that looks like lava covered his left making him look like a fiery golem.

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