Chapter 14

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Talia's P.O.V

I woke up to someone shaking me awake non stop, they kept shaking me, I opened one eye and saw Ricky standing there, a tank top on with some blue jeans, he kept shaking me.

"I'm up.." I mumbled still wanting to fall asleep.

I patted around my night stand beside my bed to get my phone, it was a challenge since I just couldn't find it.

"KIAN!" Ricky yelled.

I grabbed my head since it was too early to hear someone yell that loud that close to my ear. I sat up on my bed pushing Ricky away from me but that didn't do much since I was weak and Ricky was strong. His hair was all done up already and it made me wonder if I slept in or if he woke up extremely early.

"Mmmm.." I heard a mumble coming from near my door.

I looked up to see Kian half asleep half awake, his eyes barely open. His hair was super messy and it made me want to go up to him and ruffle his hair, but we still weren't really on good terms, we didn't yell at each other much but we didn't really have many conversations and I found myself thinking of why he's mad at me and why I'm mad at him and I start to remember the situation with the cigarette. His words would replay in my head sometimes but I tried my best to push them away.

"We're leaving soon, I want both of you ready to go in about 15 minutes, I'm coming back to check on the both of you in 5 minutes," Ricky said in a father like tone.

"Yes dad," I said in a joking matter with a silly expression on my face.

"Get to work children!" Ricky said clapping his hands together and walking out of my room, he pushed Kian towards his room, he was just looking at his phone throughout the whole conversation Ricky and I had, sometimes I wondered what he was on when he was looking at his phone, or who he was texting and sometimes I did get jealous because I would catch him looking at his phone with a huge smile on his face and I would wish that I made him smile that big but it wasn't me..

I looked for my phone now that I was slightly more awake then before and found it on my bed beside me, I didn't remember putting it there but it was there. I went through my twitter and saw that Kian tweeted something not long ago

Off to playlist we go

He added a airplane emoticon at the end of the tweet and I was kind of nervous the more I thought about this plane ride, I was scared I'd get sick or be stuck with a crying, angry, tired baby, which would suck. I got up from my bed once I was done scrolling through twitter, I walked towards where one of my suitcases were, I took a outfit that was in it. This suitcase was from when I first moved here, I had another suitcase that Jc got for me as a gift since he thought my other suitcase was too small which was probably true. Now you might ask me why I still had my suitcase from when I first got here and why it's not unpacked. Some stuff are unpacked but other stuff were still in this small little suitcase, I kept it that way because I know I'm only here for a certain amount of time, I have no clue till when but I didn't feel like I belonged here and that's why I still had it all packed.

The boys hated the fact I didn't unpack it, sometimes I'd walk in the room and see them try to unpack it but I told them to stop, I just wanted it to stay that way. Everything is temporary in life, this place is temporary, these people are temporary, everything in life is temporary, that's my view of everything and I'm sure it's not going to change. One day the boys will want me out, the boys won't want me here anymore, and I'll have one of my bags ready to go.

I got some random jogging pants that weren't too hot or too cold for the flight, and a tank top. I changed into them and sprayed some dry shampoo in my hair, that stuff is magical. There was a loud knock on my door.

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